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Visual-XSL (VisualXSL) User Guide

Copyrights, Trademarks, Registered Trademarks and Acknowledgements
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
1.2. Intended Audience and User Prerequisites
1.3. Document Content
1.4. Related Publications and References
1.5. Support
2. What's New
2.1. What's New in Version 2.4.2
2.2. What's New in Version 2.4.1
2.3. What's New in Version 2.4
2.4. What's New in Version 2.3.1
2.5. What's New in Version 2.3
2.6. What's New in Version 2.2
2.7. What's New in Version 2.1
2.8. Limitations
2.9. Known Issues
3. System Requirements and Installation
3.1. Hardware/Software Requirements
3.2. Product Package Folders
3.3. How to Install VisualXSL
3.4. How to Uninstall VisualXSL
4. Getting Started
4.1. Opening the VisualXSL Application
4.2. Opening an Existing VisualXSL Project
4.3. Creating a New VisualXSL Project
4.4. Main Window and Panes
4.5. Menus
4.6. Toolbars
4.7. Options Pane
4.8. Undo/Redo Operations
5. Data Fields and Properties
5.1. Data Field Properties
5.2. Common Data Field Properties
5.3. Data Fields That Appear Only When No Editable Item Selected
5.4. Text Frame
5.5. Barcode
5.6. Check Box
5.7. Image
5.8. Special Fields
5.9. Additional Formatting for Data Fields
5.10. Address Block
5.11. Paragraph Block
5.12. Table
5.13. PageNumber
5.14. Output Formats
5.15. PDF Forms
5.16. JavaScript For PDF Forms
6. Using the VisualXSL Application
6.1. How to Create a New Project
6.2. How to Create a Multi-Section Project
6.3. How to Add Data Fields
6.4. How to Fill In Preprinted Forms with Data
6.5. How to Use the Log Pane
6.6. How to Create PDF/PostScript Document with VisualXSL
6.7. How to Create Large Documents Faster by Using VDPMill Directly
6.8. How to Use the Command Line Interface
6.9. How to Add a Table Object
6.10. How to Edit a Field Pattern
6.11. How to Create Dynamic Templates
6.12. How to use JavaScript in PDF Forms
6.13. How to use Page Numbering
6.14. How to use Symbols
6.15. How to use Mvp.Xml EXSLT Module
7. Examples
7.1. Example of Creating XML Source and PDF Background
7.2. Example of Exporting XML Data File from SQL Server
7.3. Example of Using Radio Buttons
7.4. Example of Building a VisualXSL Project(W9 form)
7.5. Example of Building a VisualXSL Project (ICW form)
7.6. Example of Using XEP and SVG Files As Image
7.7. Example of Using Templates
7.8. Example of Using Custom Attributes
7.9. Example of Creating PDF Form

List of Figures

4.1. VisualXSL interface with no project opened
4.2. New Project dialog box
4.3. VisualXSL interface with the W9 sample project opened
5.1. Address Block Wizard
5.2. Selecting Edit Paragraph option in Address Block Wizard
5.3. Editing Paragraph in Address Block Wizard
5.4. Empty paragraph block added to the layout
5.5. Editing the paragraph block - some data fields and static text have been added
5.6. Choosing document format
6.1. Adding a new section to the project
6.2. Dragging XML node onto the layout
6.3. Warnings are blue in the log pane
7.1. Invitation letter
7.2. Data in the Excel spreadsheet
7.3. Warning that Microsoft Excel will create a schema based on selected XML file.
7.4. XML elements mapped to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet data columns
7.5. Letter with space left for employee personal data
7.6. Data in the Employees table
7.7. Query to export table data
7.8. Resulting XML file
7.9. Empty VisualXSL application
7.10. New Project wizard
7.11. New project page
7.12. Text formatting properties of the selected data field
7.13. View of unfinished project
7.14. Empty VisualXSL application
7.15. New Project wizard
7.16. Creating a Header
7.17. Dynamic document
7.18. Spaces between the items
7.19. Adding an Image
7.20. After Adding an Image and Selecting the ImageUrl Field
7.21. Edit ImageUrl dialog box
7.22. Lady_Red.xep has been selected for the new image
7.23. Diners (Credit Card) Statement file
7.24. CustomAttributes file, with table with cyan border
7.25. Preview, showing updated frame, with red left border, and blue top border
7.26. Registration Form
7.27. Registration Form
7.28. Registration Form
7.29. Registration Form
7.30. Registration Form
7.31. Registration Form
7.32. Registration Form


Copyrights, Trademarks, Registered Trademarks and Acknowledgements

RenderX is a registered trademark of RenderX Inc.

RenderX VisualXSL contains the following third-party software products:


  • Barcode components licensed from, Inc.

  • PDF2Image SDK libraries licensed from VeryPDF, Inc.


These products may be used only as part of and in connection with RenderX XEP and VisualXSL.

RenderX VisualXSL makes use of DockPanel Suite developed by Weifen Luo and licensed under the MIT License.

Certain components are based on part of the reusable wizard component developed by Steven M. Soloff.

iTextSharp is a C# port of the Java-based iText Library. iText is Copyright © 1999-2008 by Bruno Lowagie and Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved. Read more about the iTextSharp library here: (or

Adobe is a trademark and Acrobat Reader is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.

Microsoft, .NET Framework, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.


1. Introduction

This manual describes how to work with the Visual XSL application.


1.1. Overview

VisualXSL is a GUI-based designer for writing eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) stylesheets for use with RenderX XEP or XEPWin, and VDPMill. The product supports creating static overlay forms and flowing documents with variable page layouts based on position such as first, any, last and only. In fact, static and flowing documents can be mixed together into a complete XSL stylesheet project.

VisualXSL allows you to import a PDF or image as a background source or even start with a blank canvas. When using a background you can choose to render the form as part of the output (overlay) or render without the background for imaging on pre-printed stock. Simply associate a sample XML file with the project and then drag and drop XML data to design the document directly within the VisualXSL layout designer. Common properties like colors, fonts, borders and margins can easily be set with simple-to-use property sheets.

VisualXSL has wizards for many different types of document objects. Text fields, paragraphs with mixed static and dynamic content, tables, barcodes, checkboxes and variable images can all be created in the document layout from the XML source. Custom instructions, conditional rendering, date and number formats, and string conversions are all easy to add. VisualXSL is capable creating fillable pdf forms, including support of JavaScript.

The VisualXSL GUI supports the use of docking windows. You can dock and undock to create an optimal work configuration, with design in one window and preview in another. The design area supports pixel perfect placement to 1/100th of a point.

VisualXSL's architecture and functionality provides for a significant boost in speed of document production when compared to the traditional XSL-FO documents created with traditionally made XSL stylesheets.

Other features include:

  • Easy-To-Use Layout Designer

    You design a document visually using VisualXSL. The application enables to put data fields onto the document layout. You can drag and drop data directly onto the layout designer.

    The layout designer (also called the layout or the designer area) has a simple view, and is quickly and easily learned.

  • High-Speed Document Generation

    VisualXSL generates a specific stylesheet for designed document rendering. With this stylesheet, the XEP formatter provides high speed document generation for PDF (or PostScript).

  • Single- and Multi-Page Forms Support

    VisualXSL supports Single- and Multi-Page document creation.

    If you set a multi-page PDF as a background, the application extracts every page of the background to the corresponding page of the resulting PDF. New pages are automatically added if needed.

  • Static and Dynamic flows

    VisualXSL supports a mixture of static and dynamic templates.

  • Text Frames, Pictures, Barcodes, Paragraphs, Tables, Address blocks, Page numbers, Buttons, Check Boxes, List Boxes, and Combo Boxes.

    The following types of data fields can be placed into a form:

    • Text Frames are rendered as text from the XML source file.

    • Check boxes are rendered as check marks (text symbol); their appearance (in the final document) depends on the XPath expression result.

    • Pictures are rendered according to the size set on the layout.

    • Barcodes are rendered using RenderX stylesheets and the data from the XML source file. The barcodes can be one of the following types:

      • EAN8

      • EAN13

      • UPC-A

      • UPC-E

      • Interleaved 2 of 5

      • Code 39

      • Codabar

      • Code 128

      • Australia Post 4-State

    • Paragraph blocks can be inserted and edited. They can be formed via XPath expressions, as well as from static text. You can also use different formatting for block text parts.

    • Tables can be inserted and edited. They can be formed via XPath expressions, as well as from static text (for certain cells). You can also use different formatting for different cells.

    • Address Blocks Wizard for adding address labels.The resulting label is aligned vertically to the bottom of the label and consists of four or five address lines. There are three areas in the wizard dialog.

    • Page Numbers are Paragraphs, which contain special texts, to show current page number in the document.

    • Buttons can be two types: Submit and Reset. The button's type is set via Button Type property. By default it is set Submit. All buttons have some common properties.

    • List Boxes and Combo Boxes are tools, which allows the user to select one or more values from the given list.

      • Multiselect - indicates, if multiple values can be selected

      • Values - list of selectable values, delimited by the given Separator. By default its value is the inner text of the XML node.

      • Separator- a symbol, indicating the separator for Values field by default its value is |. Also, ComboBox has one more property:

      • Editable - indicates if a value can be typed, or the value can only be selected from the given list


    Additional formatting can be applied to fields containing data values (in ODBC or ISO8601 format).

  • Conditional Rendering

    Every data field has properties which can be set to determine its rendering under certain conditions.

  • XPath Validation

    Almost all XPath expressions are created automatically when you drag and drop XML tree nodes onto the layout designer. You can also manually create or edit XPath expressions. The application validates all XPath expressions and offers to modify incorrect expressions.

  • Docking Windows

    Docking-window interface is supported. You can dock and undock tool windows to create an optimal work configuration. For example, on a dual-monitor system, some tool windows can be undocked and placed on the second monitor.

  • Print XML Data on a Preprinted Form

    Printing XML data over paper (preprinted) forms is supported. For more information, see section 6.4 How to Fill in Preprinted Forms with Data.

  • Generation of Fillable PDF Forms

    The application can generate fillable PDF forms. For more information see section 5.15 PDF Forms.

  • EXSLT Support

    The application is capable using EXSLT features provided with Mvp.Xml EXSLT.NET module ( This module is not included in VisualXSL distribution and has to be installed separately.


1.2. Intended Audience and User Prerequisites

This manual is intended for personnel who need to generate PDF or PostScript documents from XML files.

To obtain maximum benefit from this manual and from the VisualXSL application, the user should have a basic understanding of XML, XSL, and XPath.


1.3. Document Content

This document contains the following:


1.4. Related Publications and References


1.5. Support

For all support-related needs, please go to


2. What's New


2.1. What's New in Version 2.4.2

Fixed Issues

  • Tables have no more border by default;

  • Fixed a problem with missing visual styles of checkboxes and radio buttons if they are used as Form fields;

  • Fixed wrong reference to base TranslateProject;

  • Fixed application crash when loading large documents;

  • Performance improved for loading and saving large documents;

  • Fixed application crash when loading large documents;


2.2. What's New in Version 2.4.1

New Features

  • Added support of XEPWin 3.0;


2.3. What's New in Version 2.4

New Features

Fixed Issues

  • Resolved a problem with image Width attribute setting in dynamic layout;

  • Fixed several minor UI-related and logic problems;


2.4. What's New in Version 2.3.1

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed severe problems with JavaScript for radiobuttons and action buttons in PDF forms;

  • Further improvements and bugfixes over Undo;

  • Fixed a display problem after changing frame orientation under certain conditions;

  • Fixed a problem of Z-Order property when multiple blocks are selected;

  • Fixed an issue with incorrectly relocated Table and Address frames;

  • Fixed an exception if browser preview window is no longer accessible under certain conditions;

  • Fixed several issues with multiple inlines within paragraphs;


2.5. What's New in Version 2.3

New Features

  • Significant improvements over fillable PDF Forms. Now they are built with RenderX XEP and support most features from XEP, including fields, submit buttons, checkboxes, radiobuttons, and more;

  • Added feature of editing JavaScript event handlers for PDF Forms, associated with controls, pages, and documents;

  • Added support for different output formats, depending on those available in XEP license;

  • Major improvements over Paragraph editor (modifying and deleting fields, formatting and aligning the inlines);

  • Address Blocks now can be edited like normal paragraphs and have custom layout and additional fields within;

  • Improved Page Numbering widgets;

  • Improved moving frames with mouse and keyboard (Ctrl and Alt handling);

  • New samples and workflows in User Reference;

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed several problems with Table builder that prevented toolbar buttons working correctly;

  • Improved new and rotated items layout on a dynamic flow;

  • Temporary folder leakage (lost files) eliminated;

  • Several bugfixes with clipboard operations (Copy and Paste);

  • Fixed issues with traces on the layout;

  • Fixed critical error during Undo operation with paragraph and address blocks;

  • Fixed layout problems for very small frames;

  • Fixed an issue that prevented opening older versions of *.vxl files, and source files having CDATA elements;

  • Fixed problems with alignment, content deletion, and scaling within the paragraph editor;

  • Fixed several issues related to background image rendering;

  • Fixed a problem when tooltips remained on screen after the application was deactivated;

  • Improved logic of Inherit and Auto length values;

  • Fixed problems with incorrect image height in dynamic layout;

  • Minor bugfixes and code improvements;


2.6. What's New in Version 2.2

New Features

  • Major improvements over Table Builder; it is no longer an extra window but a regular control;

  • Improved visual appearance for text blocks in Design layout;

  • Added more examples in User's Guide;

  • Improved layout of the User's Guide (PDF and CHM versions);

  • Improved navigation (modal dialogs, keyboard shortcuts, etc);

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed issues with moving multiple objects;

  • Fixed clipboard issues;

  • Fixed issues with Undo/Redo;

  • Fixed issues with Drag-and-Drop operations;

  • Fixed several refresh issues with Property Grid;

  • Improved navigation (modal dialogs, keyboard shortcuts, etc);

  • Fixed update issues with installer;

  • Fixed several problems with popup menus;


2.7. What's New in Version 2.1

New Features

  • Preferences form is now a dockable pane.

  • Preview is no longer shown when opening a previous project.

  • Added transparency control for brightness of hatch that is displayed for background of a data field.

  • Concept of 'add page' has been replaced by that of 'add section'.

  • Added support for mixed static and dynamic sections.

  • Added support for XEP intermediate format as an image.

  • Added support for SVG graphics as an image.

  • 100% project translation customization, vastly extending the solutions possible with VisualXSL. For details, contact Support.

  • For the tech-savvy user, added custom attribute feature. There are three new properties, under the new Custom Properties group : CustomAttribute, Overridden Attribute, and CustomProcess. Using them, it is possible to add custom attributes (that is, attributes not yet natively supported by VisualXSL) to any object type.

  • New Document Wizard no longer appears at start up.

  • Other minor improvements have been added.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed issue of application error when set to load last project on start up and that project is missing.

  • Other minor issues have been fixed.


2.8. Limitations

  • All project files, including the source XML file, should be located in the same folder.

  • To use the print of an address label capability with a PostNet barcode, you have to manually add a font data XML node to the configuration file (XEP.xml).

  • The PDF file name used as the background for the form layout must differ from the project name.

  • There is no validation for barcode values specified by XPath expressions. You should check manually whether the value is acceptable for a barcode. (XPath is validated, but there is no guarantee that the expression result will satisfy the barcode specification. For example, for UPC-A, the result of an expression should be a 12-digit number.)

  • A barcode image in the designer area is just a placeholder used to help locate the barcode data field. Only its height and location are taken into consideration. The width of the placeholder is ignored.

  • Currently, preview for PostScript files is not supported. Therefore, you cannot see the generated document if you choose the PostScript format. You can find the PostScript file by using the specified path.

  • The application considers the first node of the XML-file (source data) to represent its schema and to correspond to the record of the table described by this XML file. Note that this may cause problems with complex XML files whose first record structure is different from other nodes.

  • Any operation that directly or indirectly changes the section quantity cannot be undone.

  • All file paths to resources outside the project folder are stored as full paths. Be sure that all paths used in project are correct. Wherever possible, place all resources inside the project folder.

  • If you are working with several projects and a dialog window is opened for one of them, you cannot switch to another project. For example, when the Options window for a project is open, it is not possible to work with any other project.

  • An address block formed with the wizard and containing PostNet barcode cannot be edited.

  • Fillable forms are only applicable to PDF output format and will not work for other formats.

  • The VisualXSL application works with non-encrypted PDF only.


2.9. Known Issues

  • The list of known issues can be found in the Release Notes. See in ReadMe.txt file that is included in distribution package's Known Issues section.


3. System Requirements and Installation


3.1. Hardware/Software Requirements

The VisualXSL application requires the following hardware: 512 MB of RAM and 512 MB of free disk space.

Before installing the VisualXSL application, the following list of software must be installed:


  • Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2, Vista or Windows 7,

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later

  • RenderX XEP formatter 4.17 or later

  • RenderX XEPWin 2.24 (part of the VisualXSL installation package; it is automatically installed)

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.x. or later(or any web browser compatible PDF viewer, e.g.Foxit).

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later




  • MS Office.

  • Some third party XML editor (for example oXygen XML editor).

  • Any PostScript viewer ( fore example Ghostscript v.8.64 and Ghostview v.4.9 , to have the ability to view prepared PostScript documents)

  • Windows AFP Viewer Plug-In ( to have the ability to view prepared AFP documents)

  • Adobe SVG Viewer ( to have the ability to view prepared SVG documents)

  • Microsoft XPS Viewer(to have the ability to view XPS documents, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 is required )

  • Mvp.Xml EXSLT.NET module for EXSLT support;



3.2. Product Package Folders

The installation folder (under C:\Program Files\RenderX\VisualXSL, if the application's installation default folder is used) contains the following subfolders:


  • XSL - Contains the XSL stylesheets used internally by the application; it is not to be used separately from application.

  • Etc - Contains some data used internally.

  • Doc - Contains the User Manual.


When the VisualXSL application is installed, the following new folder is created:


  • ..\All Users\Shared Documents\VisualXSL Projects – shared documents folder for all users. If the application's installation default folder is used, the All Users folder is under C:\Documents and Settings.


    For Windows Vista and Windows 7 systems, the shared documents folder for all users is the following : ..\Users\Public\Public Documents\VisualXSL Projects


3.3. How to Install VisualXSL

The following procedure describes how to install VisualXSL.

If the VisualXSL application is already installed it is recommended to uninstall it first. See 3.3.1. How to Uninstall VisualXSL.


  • Open the Control Panel

  • Add or Remove Programs, or Programs and Features

  • Find the VisualXSL application in the list of installed applications.

  • Click to Remove or Uninstall it.


Install a new version by executing the setup.exe and follow the wizard instructions. Note, that if you don’t have . NET Framework installed, wizard will try to download and install it from the Internet. If you fail to set the correct path to license.xml, you can copy this file to the application installation folder (by default: C:\Program Files\RenderX\VisualXSL on 32-bit Windows or C:\Program Files (x86)\RenderX\VisualXSL on 64-bit Windows).

- To enable TrueType Windows fonts the xep.xml (in XEPWin folder, for example C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEPWin \xep\xep.xml on 32-bit Windows or C:\Program Files (x86)\RenderX\XEPWin \xep\xep.xml on 64-bit Windows) file should be modified in the following way:


  • Make a backup copy of your xep.xml.

  • Open file in an XML Editor or WordPad, not NotePad, and find a string:

  • Click to Remove or Uninstall it.


Sample configuration for Windows TrueType fonts.


<font-group xml:base="file:/C:/Windows/Fonts/" label="Windows TrueType" 
  embed="true" subset="true">  
  <font-family name="Arial">
    <font><font-data ttf="arial.ttf"/></font>
    <font style="oblique"><font-data ttf="ariali.ttf"/></font>
    <font weight="bold"><font-data ttf="arialbd.ttf"/></font>
    <font weight="bold" style="oblique"><font-data ttf="arialbi.ttf"/></font>


After modification it should look like:

Sample configuration for Windows TrueType fonts.


<font-group xml:base="file:/C:/Windows/Fonts/" label="Windows TrueType" 
  embed="true" subset="true"> 
  <font-family name="Arial">
    <font><font-data ttf="arial.ttf"/></font>
    <font style="oblique"><font-data ttf="ariali.ttf"/></font>
    <font weight="bold"><font-data ttf="arialbd.ttf"/></font>
    <font weight="bold" style="oblique"><font-data ttf="arialbi.ttf"/></font>


See VisualXSL User Documentation for details, after the installation.

To uninstall VisualXSL :


  • Open the Control Panel

  • Add or Remove Programs (or Programs and Features for Vista and 7)

  • Find the VisualXSL application in the list of installed applications.

  • Click to Remove (or Uninstall) it.

  • If you also wish to uninstall RenderX XEPWin, use the Control Panel to uninstall this application


Procedure 3.1. To install VisualXSL:

  1. After downloading the file, unzip it to a temporary folder.

    After unzipping, the folder contains the setup.exe, Readme.txt, and WhatsNew.txt files.

  2. It is recommended to review both text files.

  3. Go to the temporary folder and double-click setup.exe.

    The Welcome screen for InstallShield Wizard for VisualXSL opens.

  4. Click Next.

    The VisualXSL License Agreement dialog box opens.

  5. Select the I Accept option, and then click Next.

    The VisualXSL License dialog box opens.

  6. Browsing to the license.xml file, specify its location and then click Next.


    During the installation, a copy of the license.xml file is placed in the application installation folder (by default, C:\Program Files\RenderX\VisualXSL on 32-bit Windows or C:\Program Files(x86)\RenderX\VisualXSL on 64-bit Windows).

    The VisualXSL Customer Information dialog box opens.

  7. Fill in the User Name and Organization fields, select the Install This Application For option, and then click Next.

    The VisualXSL Setup Type dialog box opens.

  8. Select the Complete setup type, and click Next.


    The Custom setup is recommended only for experienced users.

    The VisualXSL Ready to Install the Program dialog box opens.

  9. Click Install.


    The installation starts.

    The Installing VisualXSL screen is displayed while VisualXSL is being installed.

  10. Click Finish to exit the InstallShield Wizard

    At the end of the VisualXSL installation, the VisualXSL icon is placed on the desktop.


The following steps apply to a New installation of XEPWin .

The welcome screen of InstallShield Wizard of XEPWin opens.

  1. Click Next.

    The XEPWin License Agreement dialog box opens.

  2. Select the I Accept option, and then click Next.

    The XEPWin License dialog box opens.

  3. Browse to the license.xml file specify its location and then click Next. During the installation, a copy of the license.xml file is placed in the application installation folder (by default, C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEPWin\xep on 32-bit Windows or C:\Program Files (x86)\RenderX\XEPWin\xep on 64-bit Windows ).

    The XEPWin Customer Information dialog box opens.

  4. Fill in the User Name and Organization fields, select the Install This Application For option, and then click Next.

    The XEPWin Setup Type dialog box opens.

  5. Select the Complete setup, and click Next.

    The Custom setup is recommended only for experienced users.

    The XEPWin Ready to Install the Program dialog box opens.

  6. Click Install.


    The installation starts.

    The Installing XEPWin screen is displayed while XEPWin is being installed.

  7. Click Finish to exit the InstallShield Wizard

    At the end of the XEPWin installation, the Hot Folder icon is placed on the desktop and ActiXEP is placed on the taskbar.


The following steps apply to an Existing XEPWin Installation of XEPWin.

The Welcome screen of InstallShield Wizard of XEPWin opens.


To exit the InstallShield Wizard

  1. Click Cancel.

  2. Click Yes to confirm.

  3. Click Finish to exit the InstallShield Wizard.


3.4. How to Uninstall VisualXSL

To uninstall VisualXSL, select Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, or Programs and Features > VisualXSL > Remove or Uninstall.


If XEPWin is being used by another RenderX product, it should not be removed. If XEPWin is removed, the system must be restarted for the changes in XEPWin to take effect.


4. Getting Started


4.1. Opening the VisualXSL Application

Open the VisualXSL application by clicking its icon on the desktop.

The application starts, with no project selected.


VisualXSL interface with no project opened

Figure 4.1. VisualXSL interface with no project opened


4.2. Opening an Existing VisualXSL Project

To open an existing project, do one of the following:

  • Click File | Open Project, and select the project that you want to open.

  • Click the .VXL file of the project that you want to open.

  • Before closing VisualXSL, ensure that the Open last project on start toggle switch (located in the Options pane) is enabled (checked). When you launch VisualXSL next time, the last closed project will automatically be launched.



Sample projects distributed with VisualXSL are located in :

For Windows 2000 and XP in: All Users\Shared Documents\VisualXSL Projects\Samples folder.

For Windows Vista and 7 in: Users\Public\Public Documents\VisualXSL Projects\ Samples folder .


4.3. Creating a New VisualXSL Project

To create a new project:

  • If you want to create a new project from an existing project, the following should be done before continuing with the New Project dialog box.

    • Create a new folder under All Users\Document\VisualXSL Projects.

    • Place the data source (XML file) and, optionally, the background file (PDF or image) in this folder.

  • Click File | New to open the New Project dialog box and add a data source (the source XML).

    New Project dialog box

    Figure 4.2. New Project dialog box

    (More information about preparing an XML source and PDF background is presented in later chapters.)

  • Use the New Project dialog box to choose the project type that is applicable to your needs: static or dynamic. Note that regardless of your choice, you can add both dynamic and static templates to the project.

  • Optionally, use the Add Background field to add the background file (PDF or image). The background does not have to be added now; it can be added later.

  • In the New Project dialog box, click the Create Project button. The folder and files to be used for the project are created, and the Main Window for VisualXSL opens.



Click Skip wizard button to create blank project.

Click Cancel button to cancel new page addition


4.4. Main Window and Panes

The VisualXSL application has a docking style interface.

You can choose the windows from several predefined Main Window options from the Window menu: All Windows, Optimized, and Lightweight. Also using the Window menu, you can toggle the appearance of individual panes: Preview, Log, Source XML (XML Tree View), XPath List View, Properties, and Options. The last window configuration used is saved when VisualXSL exits successfully and is restored on the next application startup.


Because the panes are dockable, they can be detached from their position in the VisualXSL Main Window by double-clicking them and then moved to elsewhere on the monitor (even outside the VisualXSL Main Window) or to a second monitor (if you are using a dual-monitor system).


The All Windows combination displays the following panes:


VisualXSL interface with the W9 sample project opened

Figure 4.3. VisualXSL interface with the W9 sample project opened


  •   XML Tree View, at the upper left, displays the XML schema.

  •   XPath List View, at the lower left, displays a list of the XPath expressions.

  • Layout (Designer Area), in the upper middle of the screen, is the primary working area, where all data fields are placed according to the background form (only in static sections).

  • Properties pane, at the upper right, displays the properties of the selected data field object in the properties grid. (Sometimes this pane is referred to as “object properties”.) You can select several objects at once by clicking them with the Ctrl button pressed. Only the common properties of the selected objects are displayed. If the values of the properties are the same they are displayed with the current value, otherwise they are shown as blank.

  • Options pane, at the lower right, shows miscellaneous options.

  • Preview pane, immediately below Layout, shows the PDF document preview.

  • Log pane, at the bottom of the screen, stores the formatter messages.



    Each of the panes above, except of Layout, has a Pin ( ) and a Close ( ) button in its upper-right corner. You can pin dockable windows via Pin button. If a window is pinned, it will always stay on the screen, otherwise it will be hidden as soon as it is not focused.



4.5. Menus

Most of the basic commands are placed on the menus for quick access. Almost all of them are also available in the toolbars.

  • File menu

    The File menu contains the following options:

    • New (Ctrl+N) - Opens a new project. Before opening a new project, you are prompted to save your changes to the current project.

    • Open Project (Ctrl+O) - Opens system's open file dialog, where you can select an existing project to open. Before opening a new project, you are prompted to save your changes to the current project.

    • Open Source XML (Ctrl+F) - Opens a system's open file dialog where you can select and add an XML data source to the project.

    • Save (Ctrl+S) - Saves the current project, with changes.

    • Save As (Ctrl+Shift+S) - Saves the current project, with changes, under a new name.

    • Print (Ctrl+P) - Prints the last generated PDF document. If you haven't created a resulting PDF or haven't previewed the result of XSLT, a warning message will be shown.

    • Recent Projects - Displays a list of recent projects.

    • Exit - Quits the VisualXSL application. You are prompted to save your changes.

  • Data Menu

    The Data menu contains the following options:

    • Add Text Frame - Adds a text field to the layout, according to the XML source file. Current XML node's XPath expression is used to get the data from the XML source file. Note, that text frames can get static text as well as XPath.

    • Add Barcode - Adds a barcode field to the layout, according to the XML source file. Current XML node's XPath expression is used to get the data from the XML source file. Note, that barcodes can get static text as well as XPath (see detailed description in Barcode subchapter, in Data Fields and Properties chapter).

    • Add CheckBox - Adds a checkbox to the layout. The item's Test property (under Expression group) can be specified to render the checkbox under only certain conditions. It must have the correct XPath expression in the context of the node set, as determined by the expression from Pattern property (see detailed description in Checkboxes subchapter, in Data Fields and Properties chapter).

    • Add Image - Adds an empty image field to the layout. Note: You must correct ImageUrl to generate images from the XML content. For example, to use the XML element content as the partial name for an image : XPath property must be updated as the following : concat('http://myintranet/images/', {xpath-value}, '.jpg') (see detailed description in Image subchapter, in Data Fields and Properties chapter).

    • Add Address Block - Starts a wizard that adds an address label to the layout (see detailed description in Address Block subchapter, in Data Fields and Properties chapter).

    • Add Paragraph - Adds an empty paragraph data field to the design layout (see detailed description Paragraph Block, in Data Fields and Properties section).

    • Add Table - Adds a table to the layout (see detailed description Table, in Data Fields and Properties section).

    • Add Page Number - Adds a Page Number to the layout (see detailed description Page Number, in Data Fields and Properties section).

    • Add Button - Adds a Button to the layout (see detailed description Button, in Data Fields and Properties section).

    • Add List Box - Adds a List Box to the layout (see detailed description List Box, in Data Fields and Properties section).

    • Add Combo Box - Adds a Combo Box to the layout (see detailed description Combo Box, in Data Fields and Properties section).

  • Edit Menu

    The Edit menu contains the following options:

    • Insert Symbol - Inserts symbols in your project.

    • Remove From Layout - Removes the selected data field(s) from the layout.

    • Add Section (Alt+P) - Adds a new section to the project.

    • Remove Section (Alt+R) - Removes the current section from the project.

    • Edit Section Header - Used only for dynamic sections. This option is for editing the static header of the current dynamic section.

    • Undo (Ctrl+Z) - Rolls back the last action.

    • Redo (Ctrl+Y) - Redoes the last undone action.


      For more information about Undo and Redo operations see Undo/Redo Operations subchapter.

    • Cut (Ctrl+X) - Removes and copies the selection to the clipboard.

    • Copy (Ctrl+C) - Copies the selection to the clipboard.

    • Paste (Ctrl+V) - Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the location of the cursor, and replaces any selected text or objects.

    • Edit Table - If a table data field is selected, that table's editor opens; if a table editor is opened, that editor closes; if no table is selected or multiple data fields are selected, this option is passive.

    • Edit Paragraph - If a paragraph data field is selected, that paragraph's editor opens; if a paragraph editor is opened, that editor closes; if no paragraph is selected or multiple data fields are selected, this option is passive.

    • Edit Address Block - If a address block data field is selected, that address block's editor opens; if a address block's editor is opened, that editor closes; if no address block's is selected or multiple data fields are selected, this option is passive.

  • Build Menu

    The Build menu contains the following options:

    • Refresh - Refresh all data fields in the project.

    • Validate (F6) - checks all XPath expressions in all data fields in the project.

    • Generate XSL (F5) - Generates an XSL for the current project.

    • Preview (Ctrl+F5) - Generates preview for current project and shows it in the Preview pane.

    • Create Resulting Document (Ctrl+Shift+F5) - Creates the resulting document from the current project.

    • Set Output Format - Set your desired output format from the current project.

    • PDF - .pdf output file

    • PostScript - .ps output file

    • AFP - .afp output file

    • XEP Intermediate - .xep output file

    • SVG - .svg output file

    • HTML - .html output file

    • XPS - .xps output file

  • Window Menu

    The Windows menu contains the following options:

    • All Windows - Shows all windows. If this option is selected a check sign appears.

    • Optimized - XPath List, Options, Preview, and Log panes are minimized. If this option is selected a check sign appears.

    • Lightweight - Xml Tree View, XPath List, Options, Preview, and Log panes are minimized. If this option is selected a check sign appears.


      Only one of the above mentioned options can be selected



      The last used window configuration is saved when VisualXSL exits, and is restored on the next application startup.


    • Reset Toolbars - Toggle set toolbars' deafult positions.

    • Preview - Toggle switch for showing/hiding the Preview pane.

    • Log - Toggle switch for showing/hiding the Log pane.

    • Source XML - Toggle switch for showing/hiding the Xml Tree View pane.

    • XPath List - Toggle switch for showing/hiding the XPath List View pane.

    • Properties - Toggle switch for showing/hiding the Properties pane. The Properties pane is described in Data Fields and Properties chapter.

    • Options - Toggle switch for showing/hiding the Options pane. The Options pane is described at the end of this chapter.

    • List Open VisualXSL Projects. Lists all the VisualXSL projects that are open. The project that you are currently working on is checked. To work on a different project, click its name.

  • Help Menu

    The Help menu contains the following options:

    • Contents (F1) - Opens VisualXSL User Guide.

    • About - Lists general information about the application.


4.6. Toolbars

Most of the basic commands are placed on the toolbars for quick access. Almost all of them are also available in the menus.

  • File operations

    • New Project - creates a new project.

    • Open - is a drop-down list with the following options:

      • Open Project - loads an existing project.

      • Open Source XML - opens and adds an XML data source to the project.

    • Save - saves the current project with changes.

    • Print - Prints the last generated PDF document. If you haven't created a resulting PDF or haven't previewed the result of XSLT, a warning message will be shown.

  • Data operations

    • Add Text Frame - Adds a text field to the layout, according to the XML source file. Current XML node's XPath expression is used to get the data from the XML source file. Note, that text frames can get static text as well as XPath.

    • Add Barcode - Adds a barcode field to the layout, according to the XML source file. Current XML node's XPath expression is used to get the data from the XML source file. Note, that barcodes can get static text as well as XPath (see detailed description in Barcode subchapter, in Data Fields and Properties chapter).

    • Add Image - Adds an empty image field to the layout. Note: You must correct ImageUrl to generate images from the XML content. For example, to use the XML element content as the partial name for an image : XPath property must be updated as the following : concat('http://myintranet/Images/VisualXSL/', {xpath-value}, '.jpg') (see detailed description in Image subchapter, in Data Fields and Properties chapter).

    • Add CheckBox - Adds a checkbox to the layout. The item's Test property (under Expression group) can be specified to render the checkbox under only certain conditions. It must have the correct XPath expression in the context of the node set, as determined by the expression from Pattern property (see detailed description in Checkboxes subchapter, in Data Fields and Properties chapter).

    • Add Address Block - Starts a wizard that adds an address label to the layout (see detailed description in Address Block subchapter, in Data Fields and Properties chapter).

    • Add Table - Adds a table to the layout (see detailed description Table, in Data Fields and Properties section).

    • Add Paragraph - Adds an empty paragraph data field to the design layout (see detailed description Paragraph Block, in Data Fields and Properties section).

    • Add Button - Adds a button to the design layout (see detailed description Button , in Data Fields and Properties section).

    • Add List Box - Adds a 'select box' to the design layout (see detailed description List Box , in Data Fields and Properties section).

    • Add Combo Box - Adds a 'combo box' to the design layout (see detailed description Combo Box , in Data Fields and Properties section).

  • Edit operations

    • Remove From Layout (Del) - Removes the selected data field(s) from the layout.

    • Undo (Ctrl+Z) - Rolls back the last action.

    • Redo (Ctrl+Y) - Redoes the last undone action.


      For more information about Undo and Redo operations see Undo/Redo Operations subchapter.

    • Cut (Ctrl+X) - Removes and copies the selection to the clipboard.

    • Copy (Ctrl+C) - Copies the selection to the clipboard.

    • Paste (Ctrl+V) - Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the location of the cursor, and replaces any selected text or objects.

    • Symbol - Can include symbols in your project

  • Build operations

    • Refresh Design Layout calculates all XPath expressions and refreshes the data fields content on the design layout (where possible).

    • Validate Project checks all XPath expressions in all data fields in the project.

    • Create Resulting Document generates a document (PDF, PostSript, AFP, XEP Intermediate, SVG, HTML or XPS) using all data records from the data source.

    • Generate XSL Stylesheet generates an XSL stylesheet for the current layout. This stylesheet can be used with the RenderX XEP formatter to produce PDF files.

    • Preview Result of XSLT generates a PDF document preview, using the specified number of data records.

    • Create Local TranslateProject.xsl allows the customer to keep his/her own TranslateProject.XSL in project directory.

  • Selection alignment buttons

    • Align Left aligns the selected data field to the left of the data field.

    • Align Center aligns the selected data field to the center of the data field.

    • Align Right aligns the selected data field to the right of the data field.

    • Align Lefts aligns the selected data fields to the left side of the first selected data field.

    • Align Centers aligns the selected data fields to the (horizontal) center of the first selected data field.

    • Align Rights aligns the selected data fields to the right side of the first selected data field.

    • Align Tops aligns the selected data fields to the top of the first selected data field.

    • Align Middles aligns the selected data fields to the middle (vertical center) of the first selected data field.

    • Align Bottoms aligns the selected data fields to the bottom of the first selected data field.

    • Make Same Width makes selected data fields' widths the same as the width of the first selected data field's.

    • Make Same Height makes the selected data fields' heights the same as the height of the first selected data field's.

    • Make Same Size makes the selected data fields' sizes the same as the size of the first selected data field's.

  • Other operations

    • Scale Layout scales the layout.

    • Choose Section switches the current section (available for multi-section forms).

    • Help opens the VisualXSL User Manual.

    • Choose Section Template selects the current template from the list of available templates.


      The Choose Section Template option is available only for a dynamic sections.


    • Edit Header is used to edit the static header of the current template.


      The Edit Header option is available only for a dynamic sections.

    • Font Family is used to change the font of the selected text.

    • Font Size is used to change the font size of the selected text.

    • Bold is used to change the font of the selected text to/from bold.

    • Italic is used to change the font of the selected text to/from italic.

    • Underline is used to change the font of the selected text to/from underline.


4.7. Options Pane

The Options pane contains the following options:

  • Display Properties

    • Hatch Transparency is a slider for changing the transparency of the background. To make the background more transparent, move the slider to the left.

  • XPath Editing

    • Allow changes to Pattern property specifies whether the Pattern property (under Expression, in the Properties pane) may be changed. This allows the user to deviate from the supposed/default page pattern.

  • Layout Grid

    • Snap to Grid switches on/off data fields' align to the grid in the layout designer area.


      Snap to grid is used only for static sections.


    • Grid Size sets the size of the grid cell in pixels.


      Is active only if Snap to grid is switched on. The minimum allowed size is 4 pixels and the maximum allowed sized is 60 pixels.


    • Draw Grid switches on/off the grid draw.


      If the grid size is too small for the selected scale, the grid will not be displayed.


  • Rendering

    • Number of records to preview enables you to limit the number of records used to generate the preview. It can be useful when the source XML contains a large number of records.

    • Open last project on start switches on/off the automatic opening of the last project at the application's next start.

    • Render form background switches on/off the generation of the form background.


      Only the Number of records to preview and Render form background options will take an effect immediately; the other options require application restart.


  • Rasterization

    • File Format is the raster format of the image file.

    • Color Depth is the number of bits per pixel in an image format used to rasterize the form background.

    • Rasterized resolution (in DPI) specifies the horizontal and vertical resolution of the rasterized image of the form background.


4.8. Undo/Redo Operations

Most actions that are made in Layout and Properties panes can be rolled back using the Undo and Redo commands. Note the following points regarding changes, actions, and operations:

  • All changes made to a data field object while it is still selected are considered to be one action, therefore Undo/Redo treats them as a single action. For example, if both the size and position are changed while the same data field is selected, Undo will roll back both changes. However, if the size is changed for one data field and the position for a second data field, Undo will roll back the last action only.


    In VisualXSL Undo and Redo operations are multistep operations. It means that you can roll back and forward the last operations multiple times.

  • Operations to add or remove sections cannot be undone.

The selected data fields, or a selected whole section, can be copied to the Clipboard, and then pasted one or more times to the same or another window of the application (if more than one project is being edited at the same time).


Make sure that newly pasted data field has the correct XPath expression. To do this, either select Build | Validate, or press F6, or click the Validate Project toolbar button.


5. Data Fields and Properties


5.1. Data Field Properties

This chapter describes the data properties (in the Properties pane) associated with the various field types that can be added to a VisualXSL project from the Data menu. The properties are grouped according to Appearance,Custom, Data, Expression,Form Fields, Indentation, JavaSript, Location, Padding, Size, and Spaces, as described in this chapter.


If a data field has been selected, the change you make to a property affects only that field.

When no data field has been selected, the change in formatting for a property affects all data fields on the section that use the template's formatting for that property. However, a data field which property (for example, font size) has been set individually, is not affected by the change of template formatting for that property.



Many of the fields in the Properties panel have drop-down lists, buttons, etc. that appear only when the data field is selected in the Properties panel.


5.2. Common Data Field Properties

The following data fields, which appear in alphabetical order under Properties pane, are used for all data fields.


  • BackgroundColor specifies the color for the background. For example, choosing white makes the area behind the data field white in the resulting PDF.

  • BlockProperties is a subgroup that contains the following properties:

    • Alignment specifies the text alignment. The possible values are:

      • Inherit

      • Left

      • Center

      • Right

      • Justify


    • AlignmentLast specifies the text alignment for the last line of the text block. It has the same set of values as Alignment.

    • LineFeed corresponds to the XSL-FO linefeed-treatment property, which defines how line feed characters are handled. The possible values are :

      • Inherit sets this property to the value of the parent container.

      • TreatAsSpace forces the formatter to treat line feed characters as a space.

      • Ignore lets the formatter ignore any line feed characters.

      • Preserve treats all line feed characters as line breaks.

      • TreatAsZeroWidthSpace forces the formatter to treat line feed characters as a zero-width space.


      displaying this feature in the designer area is not implemented.

    • WrapOption specifies whether the text should be wrapped to fit the data field's frame.

  • Border is a subgroup that is used for specifying the border properties:

    • BorderColor specifies the border color.

    • BorderStyle specifies the border line style.

    • BorderWidth specifies the line width.

  • Orientation is the block orientation which can be used for rotating data fields. This property corresponds to the XSL-FO reference-orientation trait.

  • VerticalAlignment the texts contains the vertical alignment. The possible values are :

    • Auto sets vertical alignment to the default value (Before) or to the value of the parent container.

    • Before sets vertical alignment to the top of the data field.

    • Center sets vertical alignment to the center of the data field.

    • After sets vertical alignment to the bottom of the data field.

  • ZOrder contains the Z-Order.


The use of the following custom properties requires knowledge in XSL-FO and XSLT.

  • CustomAttribute is a space-delimited list of new XSL-FO styles.

  • CustomProcess is used to pass a trigger into the TranslateProject.xsl where a user can then override the typical template used to process that element. This allows complete customization for any frame type in the drawing grid.

  • OverriddenAttribute specifies the XSL-FO style(s) to omit.


  • Comment is used to generate comments in the resulting stylesheet. It is a description for the field. Besides, it can be helpful for navigating the document structure.

  • BorderStyle specifies the line style of the border.

  • FieldName specifies the field name.

  • Value specifies the field value.


  • Pattern is the XPath expression that selects an XML branch (node set) used for the data field.


    If you manually modify the XPath expression in the Pattern property, be sure that it is correct and evaluates to an XML node set, and that this node set is a descendant of the XML node evaluated with the section Pattern property. It is suggested to validate your project to make sure all XPath expressions are correct.

  • Test contains the XPath expression that defines the conditions for showing or hiding the content.

Form Fields

  • Hidden contains two logical values: true/false. If true, field will not be shown on the layout

  • Max Length which has deafult ' 0 ' value. The maximum allowed count of the entered symbols

  • Multiline contains two logical values: true/false. If true the text field may contain more than one fields

  • Name contains automatic generated value. Required unique property for all fillable fields.

  • Noexport contains two logical values: true/false. If true

  • Password contains two logical values: true/false. If true the text field is generated as a password field: instead of symbols, * are shown

  • Printable contains two logical values: true/false. If true, the field can be printed

  • Readonly contains two logical values: true/false. If true, no data can be inserted

  • Required contains two logical values: true/false. If true, some data is required to be entered

  • Treat as Field contains two logical values: true/false. Is editable only for Text Frames and Check Boxes, as for all other fillable fields it is set true and is Readonly.


  • First Line Indent contains the first-line indentation for the data field. It corresponds to the XSL-FO trait text-indent.

  • Last Line Indent contains the last-line indentation for the data field. It corresponds to the XSL-FO trait last-line-end-indent.

  • Left Indent contains the left indentation for the data field. It corresponds to the XSL-FO traits start-indent.

  • Right Indent contains the right indentation for the data field. It corresponds to the XSL-FO traits end-indent.


  • On Blur can write some javascript code to invoke, when the cursor leaves the field

  • On Calculate This event is defined when a change in a form requires that all fields that have a calculation script attached to them be executed. All fields that depend on the value of the changed field will now be recalculated.

  • On Focus can write some javascript code to invoke, when a field loses or receives focus.

  • On Format can write some javascript code to invoke, when format is wrong.

  • On KeystrokeThis event occurs whenever a user types a keystroke into a text box or combo box (including cut and paste operations) or selects an item in a combo box list or list box field. A keystroke script may limit the type of keys allowed. For example, a numeric field might only allow numeric characters.

  • On MouseDown can write some javascript code to invoke, when a mouse button is pressed down in the field area.

  • On MouseEnter can write some javascript code to invoke, when a mouse pointer enters in the field area.

  • On MouseExit can write some javascript code to invoke, when a mouse pointer exits in the field area.

  • On MouseUp can write some javascript code to invoke, when a mouse is pressed up in the field area.

  • On Validate can write some javascript code to invoke, when when validate.


  • Left contains the left coordinate, in points.

  • Top contains the top coordinate, in points.


  • Bottom Padding contains the padding of the text from the data field's frame's bottom border, in points.

  • Left Padding contains the padding of the text from the data field's frame's left border, in points.

  • Right Padding contains the padding of the text from the data field's frame's right border, in points.

  • Top Padding contains the padding of the text from the data field's frame's top border, in points.


  • Height contains the height of the data field's frame. The value for Height can use the following units of measurement:

    • points (pt)

    • pixels (px)

    • inches (in)

    • centimeters (cm)

    • millimeters (mm)


    If no unit of measurement is specified, the default (points) is used.

  • Width contains the width of the data field's frame. The value for the Width property can use the same measurements as for the Height property.


  • Space After The Area contains the height of the space after the area of the data field's frame, in the specified units. The measurements of Height and Width properties are used, the default value is pt.

  • Space Before The Area contains the height of the space before the area of the data type, in the specified units. The measurements of Height and Width properties are used, the default value is pt.


5.3. Data Fields That Appear Only When No Editable Item Selected

The following data fields appear only when there is no editable item selected.

  • JavaScript for Document

    • Did Print can write some javascript code(e.g. some alert) to invoke after printing the document.

    • Did Save can write some javascript code(e.g. some alert) to invoke after saving the document.

    • Library User can write his/her own JavaScript library for the document and use in at any desired place.

    • Open can write some javascript code(e.g. some alert) to invoke, when the document is opened.

    • Will Close can write some javascript code(e.g. some alert) to invoke, before closing the document.

    • Will Print can write some javascript code(e.g. some alert) to invoke, before printing the document.

  • Layout

    • BackgroundPath specifies the path to the background (PDF or image file) that is used.

    • DynamicFlow displays type of current section, True for dynamic sections, False for static sections.

    • RasterizedPath specifies the path to the rasterized copy of background image file that has been initially specified in BackgroundPath property.

  • Misc

    • Treat as field displays whether the section is dynamic True or static False. Read only.


5.4. Text Frame

Besides the properties mentioned in Common Data Field Properties, the following additional properties are used for Text Frames:

  • TextProperties is a subgroup that contains properties for formatting text inside the data field:

    • Font is a subgroup that specifies the text's font properties.

      • Name specifies the font type. You can set font type via both typing the font type name into the box and choosing the font type from the drop-down list.

      • Size specifies the font size. The measurement unit is specified by Unit.

      • Unit specifies the unit for Size. It is one of the following:

        • Pixel - the Size measures in pixels.

        • Point - the Size measures is points.

        • Inch - the Size measures in inches.

        • Millimeter - the Size measures in millimeters.

      • Bold specifies whether the font is bold-faced.

      • Italic specifies whether the font is italicized.

      • Strikeout specifies whether the font has a strike-out line through it.

      • Underline specifies whether the font is underlined.

    • ForeColor specifies the text color (the foreground color).

  • Data

    • CustomDataFormat is a custom data format description.

    • DataFormat contains XSLT code that defines additional field formatting. For more details, see section Additional Formatting for Data Fields , where there is also a table of available codes.


      The application does not provide the list of codes and does not check their validity. If an incorrect value is set for this property, the default code (0) is used in the resulting XSL.

    • DataType specifies the data type stored in the XML source. This property provides information that is necessary for formatting the text from the XML source. Currently, only the Date and Text types are supported.

    • Text is a design-time text to be displayed at the layout. It has special meaning for some fields. For more information see below, at Image and at Special Fields.

  • Expression

    • XPathValue is an XPath expression that returns a value from a node set defined in the Pattern property.


5.5. Barcode

Besides the properties mentioned in Common Data Field Properties, the following additional properties are used for barcodes:

  • Appearance

    • Module is the width of the narrowest stripe in the barcode, in one of the following measures:

      • pixels (px)

      • points (pt)

      • inches (in)

      • centimeters (cm)

      • millimeters (mm)



      The default measure is pixels (px)

      Use this parameter to control the width and height of the barcode.

  • Data

    • Type is the barcode type. Available barcode types are:

      • EAN8

      • EAN13

      • UPC-A

      • UPC-E

      • Interleaved 2 of 5

      • Code 39

      • Codabar

      • Code 128

      • Australia Post 4-State


      No validation of an XPath expression result to the barcode specification rules is available.


5.6. Check Box

Besides the properties mentioned in Common Data Field Properties, the following additional properties are used for check boxes:

  • Appearance

    • CheckType specifies the style of the check mark. The possible values are:

      • Default

      • Check

      • LightCheck

      • LightCross

      • Cross

      • LightWavyCross

      • WavyCross

      • Plus

      • EmptyPlus

      • Bullet

      • EmptyBullet

      • Square

      • EmptySquare


    • FontSize specifies the font size of the check mark inside the field.

  • Data

    • BorderStyle specifies the style of the check box's border. The possible values are:

      • None

      • Solid

      • Beveled

      • Dashed

      • Inset

      • Underline


    • CheckStyle specifies the style of the check box. The possible values are:

      • None

      • Check

      • Circle

      • Cross

      • Diamond

      • Square

      • Star


    • FieldName specifies

    • Value specifies


5.7. Image

Besides the properties mentioned in Common Data Field Properties, the following additional properties are used for images:

  • Data

    • ImageUrl is the URL or the local path to the image file. By default it is a static path to the image. To change it, click the button, which opens the file browse dialog. If you want to use XPathValue to extract a part of the URI from XML, use the tag {xpath-value} inside the ImageUrl property.


      XPathValue, in Expression, by default is not used for a newly created field. To extract the image URI from the source XML using XPath, you should manually edit the ImageUrl property. For more details, see the following example.

    • Example

      Suppose we have employees' photos that are stored in a shared folder of our intranet server. All files are named in the following way:, where XXXX is a serial number from 1 to 9999.

      Suppose that we also have the following XML fragment describing every employee:

                    <record id="1">
                       <name>John Doe</name>
                    <record id="2">
                       <name>Adam Smith</name>

      We should use the following values to render images in our document:

      XPathValue @id
      Pattern records/record
  • Expression

    • XPathValue is an XPath expression that returns a value from a node set defined in the Pattern property.


5.8. Special Fields

You can insert special fields into the project. When generating the XSL stylesheet, the special fields are transformed into XSL parameters. This feature enables you to set some values at the XSL transformation stage.

Special fields are described in the format-plugin.xml (it is created in the ProgramFiles/RenderX/VisualXSL/XSL folder). To insert a special field, drag and drop its XML node from the XML tree view onto the layout. Change the value of the XPathValue property of the created object's properties to the name of the desired field (see the following list). The name should be specified with the preceding symbol $.

Field Name Description Default Value
PrintDate Date when the project was last transformed Current date
CreateDate Date when the project was created None
AuthorName Name of the project author None
CompanyName Name of the author’s company None

You can also insert a custom special field, which is later transformed into a stylesheet parameter. Set the XPathValue property to $<special-name>, where special-name is CName (it satisfies standard XSL rules of naming variables). Set the default value of the parameter by changing the Text property.


5.9 Additional Formatting for Data Fields

Data field contents can be customized by additional formatting. Currently, only different date formats are implemented:

  • ISO8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:mmm)

  • ODBC canonical format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss)



The date value in source XML file should be properly specified in one of the implemented formats.


Select the field containing the correct date value for formatting application. Switch to its object properties, and choose Date value for the DataType property. Then specify the format code for the DataFormat property. All supported format codes are listed in the table below. To refresh the designer area (and see the updated formatting of the data field), click the Refresh button.


Code Description
without century with century
1 101 USA mm/dd/yy
2 102 ANSI
3 103 British/French dd/mm/yy
4 104 German
5 105 Italian dd-mm-yy
6 106 dd mon yy
7 107 Mon dd, yy
8 108 hh:mm:ss
9 or 109 Default + milliseconds mon dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM (or PM)
10 110 USA mm-dd-yy
11 111 JAPAN yy/mm/dd
12 112 ISO yymmdd
13 or 113 Europe default + milliseconds dd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h)
14 114 - hh:mi:ss:mmm(24h)
20 or 120 ODBC canonical yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h)
21 or 121 ODBC canonical (with milliseconds) yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h)
- 126 ISO8601 yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss:mmm(no spaces)



Milliseconds (if they are specified in the XML data for the field) are not rendered after the layout is refreshed, but are rendered in the resulting PDF document.


5.10. Address Block

The application provides Address Block Wizard for adding address labels. The resulting label is aligned vertically to the bottom of the label and consists of four or five address lines. There are three areas in the wizard dialog (see the following figure). The first area, at the left of the dialog, is a tree representing the first element of the XML source file (only the first batch of the XML source is visible in the XML Tree View). The second area, at the upper-right of the dialog, is a group of textboxes for the parts of the address. The third area, at the lower-right of the dialog, is a preview for the address label. You can add data from the XML tree to text boxes by double-clicking on the tree node, by dragging nodes into the Layout, or by clicking the Add button.


Address Block Wizard

Figure 5.1. Address Block Wizard

If you click the Add button, data is added to the highlighted text box. If you add new data to a text box that already contains some data, the new data replaces the old data. To clear the highlighted text box, click the Remove button. The data is added from the XML tree in such a way that it is dynamically inserted into the resulting document. Besides, you can type some static data if you need it.

The application forms the PostNet barcode from the three last text boxes (ZipCode, +4Code, Delivery Point). It assumes that all data typed into them are numeric, so make sure that the XML data represents a proper number for a post code.

Address blocks are generated as a special kind of Paragraph Block. This means that they can be edited as both Paragraph and as Address. Editing as Address allows you to visually modify address-related fields, while editing as Paragraph provides with assigning fonts, colors, and customizing order and layout of address fields. The application has possibility for both ways of editing Address blocks.

Double-clicking on Address Frame invokes Address editor to allow changing Address fields.

Procedure 5.1. To invoke Paragraph editor on Address block

  1. Create an Address block using the Wizard

  2. Close the Wizard to save your initial changes

  3. Right-click the Address block on layout

  4. Select Edit Paragraph pop-up menu item (see Figure 5.2)


    Selecting Edit Paragraph option in Address Block Wizard

    Figure 5.2. Selecting Edit Paragraph option in Address Block Wizard

  6. The paragraph editor will open the content of the Address block (see Figure 5.3).


    Editing Paragraph in Address Block Wizard

    Figure 5.3. Editing Paragraph in Address Block Wizard

The fields of wizard block are specified in curl brackets. Before semicolon symbol “:” there is name of field, after that symbol there is content of that filed. To set special font setting, it is important to select the content of filed and from toolbar set the appropriate formatting. It is impossible to see the formatting options while you are editing the address block in wizard. For font options visualization you could press toggle view button “{a}” which is located on paragraph toolbar and could see the view of address label which will be in resulting document.


Currently, the application has no option for specifying the fonts to be used in document formatting. Therefore, to describe the PostNet True Type font, you should manually edit the configuration file for XEP and add a section as shown in the following example.

Procedure 5.2. To manually edit the configuration file:

Assume that XEPWin is installed in the C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEPWin folder.

  1. Open the XEP.xml file from xep subfolder.

  2. Find the font-group XML element with @label="Windows TrueType" attribute.

  3. Add the following text inside the found element:

    <font-family name="IDAutomationPOSTNET" embed="true">
            <font-data ttf="IDAutomationPOSTNET.ttf"/>

    This enables the for the XEP formatter to use True Type font to render PostNet barcodes.


5.11. Paragraph Block

You can put paragraphs with different formatting properties into one block container, or paragraph block. An example of such a paragraph block is an address block. Using a paragraph block allows you to prepare text blocks using XML data of variable length.


You cannot leave any data field blank, but at least one block must be filled.

Using a paragraph block also helps when you wish to apply different formatting to different parts of one paragraph.

Initially, when you add a paragraph block to the project (from the Add Paragraph | Data menu), it has one paragraph. The content of the block is rendered from the selected XML node. You should select Edit | Edit Paragraph from the menu or double-click on the Paragraph block in order to add a new paragraph, or to edit existing ones inside the block. This brings up the following view:


Empty paragraph block added to the layout

Figure 5.4. Empty paragraph block added to the layout

You can type static text into the paragraph block, drag and drop nodes with data from the XML tree, or type an XPath expression inside curly brackets ({}). To apply formatting to the text, select it, and then click the appropriate toolbar button.


Editing the paragraph block - some data fields and static text have been added

Figure 5.5. Editing the paragraph block - some data fields and static text have been added

To finish editing the paragraph, select Edit | Finish Editing Paragraph, or click the Cross (X) button.


Before editing a paragraph block, ensure that the entire block on the Layout (the Designer Area) is visible to you. In some cases, you must scroll the Layout manually to see all text being edited.


undo/redo is not supported while editing the paragraph block.


5.12. Table

The following additional data field is used for tables.

  • Data

    • RepeaterPattern is the context with which the table data will repeat.

      For example, if you have XML as root/customers and there are many /customer elements below /customers, the Table XPath expression would be root/customers and the table RepeaterPattern would be root/customers/customer.


5.13. PageNumber

Page Number is a Paragraph, which contains a special text, to show current page number in the document.

By default, Page Number is in Page ' i ' of count format, where ' i ' is the current page's number and count is the count of the pages in the document.


5.14. Output Formats

You can get following Output formats with VisualXSL :

  • PDF -Portable Document Format

  • PS - PostScript

  • AFP - Advanced Function Printing

  • XEP Intermediate

  • SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics

  • HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

  • XPS - XML Paper Specification


To be able to use those Output formats you need:

  • a license file allowing to use PDF, PS, SVG, HTML, XPS

  • a separate license file allowing to use AFP (because of Formatter behaves differently seeing AFP backend in the license file - namely, disabling kerning and some other features)


Procedure 5.3. Creating Output formats


The default Output format of VisualXSL is PDF

  1. To choose the output format for the document,select Build | Set Output Formats from menu or click the Set Output Format button: <;/p>


  2. From the drop-down list, select either PostScript,AFP,XEP Intermediate,SVG,HTML or XPS. (PPML is not Supported yet).


    Choosing document format

    Figure 5.6.  Choosing document format


    For more information about Output formats see RenderX XEP


5.15. PDF Forms

VisualXSL 2.3 and later versions provide a new way of creating fillable Acrobat® forms. From now on VisualXSL uses XEP to create fillable forms, which made this process fast and simple. The process of creating fillable forms fully differs from the processes used in previews versions. First, creating fillable form is not a separate process, furthermore, the fillable fields are created like any other field; the only difference is Treat as Field property in the Properties pane. If Treat as Field is set to true, in the resulting PDF the field will be a created as a fillable field, otherwise the field will be a normal PDF field.


Forms are only applicable to PDF output format and will not work for other formats.


In order to create fillable Forms, XEP requires a special license. The license file should be put in xep folder in the XEPWin installation folder.


In the 2.3 version VisualXSL supports as fillable fields only Text Frames, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, Buttons, ListBoxes and ComboBoxes. Other frames cannot be created as fillable form fields. Each frame is described above at this section.


It is no longer required to set PDF background in order to create fillable forms.

Common Properties For PDF Forms

All the frames which can be made fillable PDF fields have several common properties. You can set/view them at the Properties pane.

  • Threat As Fields - is editable only for Text Frames and Check Boxes, as for all other fillable fields it is set true and is Readonly.

  • Name - required unique property for all fillable fields. By default VisualXSL generates a unique name for all fields, but you can change Name property for fillable fields.


    Be sure NOT to have multiple fillable fields with the same Name. Otherwise, fields will not be generated normally.

  • Readonly - if true, no data can be inserted

  • Required - if true, some data is required to be entered

  • Noexport - if true,

  • Hidden - if true, field will not be shown on the layout

  • Printable - if true, the field can be printed

Text Frame

Besides the common properties Text Frame has some specific properties.

  • Text - the default text entered into the field

  • Multiline - if true the text field may contain more than one field

  • Password - if true the text field is generated as a password field: instead of symbols, * are shown

  • Max Length - the maximum allowed count of the entered symbols

Check Box and Radio Button

Besides the common properties Radio Button has some specific properties.

  • Group Name - required property to indicate separate Radio Buttons groups. All the radio buttons with the same Group Names are in one radio group. VisualXSL defaults a unique Group Name for Radio Buttons, but you can set your own names.

  • Initially Selected - indicates if the field is initially selected

  • RadioButtons are generated as series of CheckBoxes. You just need to

    • Create several CheckBoxes

    • In the Test properties of each CheckBox give the same left part (e.g. if there are several conditions that compare certain XPath expression with different constant values)</p>

    • Set the CheckBoxes' Treat as Field properties to true

    • Generate the resulting PDF document

    See Example of Using Radio Buttons for an example of generating Radio Buttons.


VisualXSL 2.3 supports two types of buttons : Submit and Reset. The button's type is set via Button Type property. By default it is set Submit

Common Properties For Button

All buttons have some common properties.

  • Fields - space delimited list of affected field names. If empty string is given, all fields are included. The default value is empty string.

  • Text - Text shown on the button


Submit Button is used for submitting form data to the server. Besides the common properties, it contains some others:

  • Url - Required, the server URL, to which the data will be sent. By default its value is the inner text of the XML node.

  • Submit Format - Possible values are : XFDF, FDF, PDF, HTML. The default value is XFDF

  • Method - Possible values are : POST and GET. The default value is POST


Reset Button is used to reset all the fields values, which names are in Fields list

ListBox and ComboBox

Both ListBox and ComboBox are tools, which allows the user to select one or more values from the given list.

  • Multiselect - indicates, if multiple values can be selected

  • Values - list of selectable values, delimited by the given Separator. By default its value is the inner text of the XML node.

  • Separator - a symbol, indicating the separator for Values field by default its value is |.

Also, ComboBox has one more property:

  • Editable - indicates if a value can be typed, or the value can only be selected from the given list

Example of creating a fillable Acrobat® form

Procedure 5.4. To create a fillable Acrobat® form

Assume you already have some frames on your document and now want to add some fillable ones.

  1. Add the frames you wish to make fillable (e.g. Text Frames, CheckBoxes and RadioButtons)

  2. Select those frames, which will be fillable fields and navigate to Properties pane.

  3. Change the Treat as Field properties value to true (by default it is set to false).

  4. Create resulting PDF file


5.16. JavaScript For PDF Forms

VisualXSL 2.3 and later versions support JavaScript for PDF forms. You can write JavaScript code for fillable PDF fields, for pages and for the PDF document, also you can write your JavaScript library for the PDF document. For fillable fields JavaScript is written in JavaScript For Document properties in the Properties pane.

JavaScript For Fillable Fields

All the fillable fields (Text Frames, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Buttons, Listboxes, ComboBoxes) support JavaScript events. Bellow is the list of supported events.

  • On Blur - invokes when the cursor leaves the field

  • On Calculate - This event is defined when a change in a form requires that all fields that have a calculation script attached to them be executed. All fields that depend on the value of the changed field will now be recalculated.

  • On Focus - invokes when a field loses or receives focus.

  • On Format - invokes when format is wrong.

  • On Keystroke - This event occurs whenever a user types a keystroke into a text box or combo box (including cut and paste operations) or selects an item in a combo box list or list box field. A keystroke script may limit the type of keys allowed. For example, a numeric field might only allow numeric characters.

  • On Mouse Down - invokes when a mouse button is pressed down in the field area.

  • On Mouse Enter - invokes when a mouse pointer enters in the field area.

  • On Mouse Exit - invokes when a mouse pointer exits in the field area.

  • On Mouse Up - invokes when a mouse is pressed up in the field area.

  • On Validate - invokes when validate.

JavaScript Example For PDF Forms

Procedure 5.5. To create a PDF file with JavaScript

  1. Create Project

  2. Add a text frame

  3. Select the added frame and navigate to Properties pane.

  4. Write app.alert("OnBlur is invoked"); JavaScript code into On Blur property

  5. Create resulting PDF file

JavaScript For Pages

VisualXSL 2.3 supports two JavaScript events for pages. Which can be found among JavaScript For Pages properties in the Properties pane.

  • Js Open - invokes when new page is opened.

  • Js Close - invokes when window is closed.

These are hooks for events of a page coming into or out of the view in the PDF reader. They go transparently to <xep:page> and then to Page objects in PDF document for each page created with the page master where the attributes were set.

JavaScript Example For Pages

Procedure 5.6. To create a PDF file with JavaScript for pages

  1. Create Project

  2. Select the layout and navigate to Properties pane.

  3. Write app.alert("Page is Opened"); JavaScript code into Js Open property

  4. Create resulting PDF file

JavaScript For Document

VisualXSL 2.3 supports several JavaScript events for the document. Which can be found among JavaScript For Document properties in the Properties pane.

  • Js Open - invokes when the document is opened.

  • Js Did Print - invokes after printing the document.

  • Js Did Save - invokes after saving the document.

  • Js Will Close - invokes before closing the document.

  • Js Will Print - invokes before printing the document.

VisualXSL 2.3 also allows the user to write his/her own JavaScript library for the document and use in at any desired place. The library is written in the Library property under JavaScript For Document property group in the Properties pane.

JavaScript For Document Example

Procedure 5.7. To create a PDF file with JavaScript for the document

  1. Create Project

  2. Select the layout and navigate to Properties pane.

  3. Write function f() { app.alert("function f() is called"); } JavaScript code at Library property

  4. Write f(); JavaScript code into the Js Open property

  5. Create resulting PDF file

  6. Open the created PDF file. See the "function f() is called" message.


6. Using the VisualXSL Application


6.1. How to Create a New Project

Procedure 6.1. To create a new project:

  1. Run a project in VisualXSL with one of the above-mentioned methods.

  2. If the previous project loaded automatically on startup, press the New Project button on the toolbar, or select the File | New Project menu item, or press the Ctrl+N key combination.

  3. To select the XML file (it must be a well-formed XML document), either use the File | Open Source XML menu item, or press the Ctrl+F key combination. After the XML file is successfully loaded, its schema is shown in the XML Tree View.

  4. To set the required properties in Object Properties, click an empty space of the section in Layout and do as follows:

    • Specify the Pattern property in the property grid. The Pattern property should contain a valid XPath of an XML element.


      The XPath expression is case sensitive.


    • Set the BackgroundPath property value to the valid full path of the previously prepared PDF file (which contains the form that you want to fill with data from the XML). It can easily be done by clicking the button.

    • You can also set an alternative value for the RasterizedPath property. Set it to the valid full path of a previously prepared raster file with a form you want to fill with data from the XML.


      Currently, the application supports the following raster image formats: PNG, TIFF, JPG, and GIF (for more details, see the RenderX XEP On-line Reference).



6.2. How to Create a Multi-Section Project

Procedure 6.2. To create a multi-section project:


  1. Create a new project (see How to Create a New Project above).

  2. Select an XML file either by using the File | Open Source XML menu item or by pressing Ctrl+F.

  3. In the object properties, set the BackgroundPath property to a full path of the required multi-page PDF.

    You can click the button to use the open file dialog. After the PDF background is selected, the first section is rendered in the layout area and the full path to the rasterized version appears in the object properties in the RasterizedPath property. Also, the application creates a PDF for every section of the selected PDF, and produces rasterized versions of them. Rasterized files are generated from the multi-page PDF background file. For each page a separate PDF and PNG files are generated. Files are created in the project folder and named: PDF File-NameXXXX.pdf and PDF File-NameXXXX.png, where XXXX is a section number starting from 0001. These files are set as the backgrounds for the corresponding pages.

    Adding a new section to the project

    Figure 6.1. Adding a new section to the project

    If you do not have a PDF file with a form, but you have a file in a supported graphics format such as PNG, TIFF, JPG, and GIF (for more details, see RenderX XEP On-line Reference), you may manually set its path to the RasterizedPath property.

  4. Add and adjust the data fields for this section (see, How to Add Data Fields below).

  5. When all data fields have been added and are properly adjusted, click the toolbar drop-down list with the active section number (see the figure 6.1 above).

    The drop-down list shows the currently available section numbers, and at the bottom of the drop-down list there is a New Page item. Click this item if you need to add a new section to the project. Alternatively, you can use the Edit | Add section menu item or press the Alt+P key combination. To add a new section, you may also enter the next number of the last section's number.

  6. To remove the currently selected section, use the Edit | Remove section menu command or the Alt+R key combination.


6.3. How to Add Data Fields

After the project is created, you can add, modify, or remove data fields.

Data field is a frame on the Layout. It is dynamically rendered in the resulting document by getting data from the XML data file.

Procedure 6.3. To add a new data field:

  1. Select a node in the Xml Tree View. The data stored in this node is rendered in the resulting form.

  2. Click the Add to Layout toolbar button to add a field with the selected XML node to the design layout. Alternatively, you can drag a selected tree node and drop it onto the layout. A new data field appears in the form layout. Or, you can drag an item by holding the right mouse button. In that case, after releasing the mouse button in the desired place on the layout, you can choose a data field type from the context menu.

    Dragging XML node onto the layout

    Figure 6.2. Dragging XML node onto the layout

  3. You can now select the newly added frame by clicking it, and setting its desired position by dragging it over the layout.

  4. A data field, when selected, has handles at the corners and at the middle of the sides. You change the location and size of the data field by dragging.

  5. Additional properties can be modified for a selected data field in the Properties pane.

    After all data fields are added and aligned, you can generate the XSL stylesheet and/or the resulting PDF document.

    During the PDF rendering, fields are filled with data from the XML file. See the detailed properties description in the Data Fields and Properties chapter.


6.4. How to Fill In Preprinted Forms with Data

Procedure 6.4. To fill in preprinted forms with data fields:

  1. Create a new project in VisualXSL.

  2. Scan to a raster image of the preprinted form and set it as the background, or use an existing PDF.

  3. Add data fields and all necessary pages.

  4. Using Options pane, clear the Render form background check box.

  5. Save the .VXL file.

  6. Generate your PDF with the data fields only, and print it on your preprinted form(s).


    To restore the background rendering in the destination document, check the Render Form Background check box when you are finished.


6.5. How to Use the Log Pane

The Log Pane traces the progress of the formatting. It contains all the messages from the XEP formatting engine. The messages are highlighted in the following way:

  • Errors – red;

  • Warnings – blue;

  • Other - black.

Some messages contain clickable links (warnings and errors related to incorrect XPath expressions in data fields). You can click those messages to go to the problematic data field.


Warnings are blue in the log pane

Figure 6.3. Warnings are blue in the log pane

It is recommended to look at the log after every document formatting. If the document is not generated successfully, the log can show the reason why.


6.6. How to Create PDF/PostScript Document with VisualXSL

After a project is created and all necessary data fields are placed on the layout, you can create a PDF or a PostScript document.

Procedure 6.5. To create a PDF/PostScript document:

  1. Set Output Format toolbar icon or use the menu command Build | Set Output Format and select output format.


    A File Save dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Create Resulting Document toolbar icon or use the menu command Build | Create PDF.

    A File Save dialog box appears.

  3. Type in the file name for your document, set the desired document format (PDF or PostScript), and click OK.


    The application automatically rasterizes PDFs into an image when PostScript files are generated and a PDF file is set as the background for the project. This raster image is used as the background in the document.

    Generation of the document can take some time, depending on the number of pages and the PDF background form's complexity.


    If your XML file contains a large number of records, you may get Not enough memory to format error. To fix this issue, increase Java memory settings (-Xms and –Xmx keys) for Cliser Service (a part of XEPWin package used by VisualXSL). For details see the CliserService.exe.config. file installed in the assumed location of C:\Program Files\ RenderX\XEPWin folder. However, if the number of pages is more than this setting can handle, see below How to Create Large Documents Faster by Using RenderX VDPMil for the solution.


6.7. How to Create Large Documents Faster by Using VDPMill Directly

Creating documents with VisualXSL is acceptable if you need only to generate a small number of pages of a simple form (1-100 pages). However if you need to generate thousands of pages of a document, it is much faster to use RenderX VDPMill directly.

VDPMill is a complete solution with very high performance rendering of both large print files as well as singular large reports.

VDPMill can generate very large batch print files – hundreds of thousands of pages in a single file. Through the use of a multi-threaded formatting grid for documents, the components of this print file can be formatted simultaneously to meet any performance demands. The Formatter layer administrative tools allow the user to add/remove server connections from the grid so all that is required to increase performance is to add additional RenderX XEP server threads. The Formatter automatically balances the load across the new server threads. The Customizer is fully extendible, allowing the user to modify the print stream as desired before generation of output. This eliminates the need for custom PDF, PostScript and AFP parsers or concatenations. And using the multi-threaded Generator, VDPMill can produce simultaneous output documents from the same internal document stream, eliminating the need and inherent deficiencies of trying to convert one output format to another. For example, the user can produce one large batch of invoices as a PostScript or AFP file for print and selected invoices in that batch as PDF or PDF Form for electronic presentment or e-mail.

VDPMill is the perfect application for all your high performance print and large report production, and dynamic and interactive PDF Forms.

For information on RenderX VDPMill, contact RenderX Sales by calling +1.650.327.1000 or via email at


6.8. How to Use the Command Line Interface

VisualXSL has a command line interface that gives access to the application functionality from the Windows console.

The syntax to use is:

VisualXSL.exe <VisualXSLProject.vxl> <SourceXml.xml> <ResultingFile.pdf |>[options]



  • <VisualXSLProject.vxl> is the full path to a VisualXSL application previously designed project file.

  • <SourceXml.xml> is the full path to the source XML file containing data to be used in the transformation.

  • <ResultingFile.pdf |> is the full path to the resulting PDF or PostScript file name.


    If the path contains spaces, it should be enclosed with double quotes.


The [options] is one of the followings:

  • -? - displays a message box with the command line syntax help.

  • -l<FULLPATH> - sets the log file name to store messages of the formatting process, where <FULLPATH> is a file name with the full path.

  • -r<NUMBER> – sets the number of the records to be extracted from the XML file to perform generation of the document, where <NUMBER> equals the expected number of records.


The following command line shows the feature in action:


        VisualXSL.exe "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\VisualXSL
        Projects\Samples\W9\W9.vxl" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\VisualXSL
        Projects\Samples\W9src.xml" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\VisualXSL
        Projects\Samples\W9\W9.pdf" –l"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\VisualXSL
        Projects\Samples\W9\W9.log" –r5



%ALLUSERSPROFILE% is a Windows system variable that contains the path to the user's Documents folder.


This example uses the W9.vxl sample project file with only first five records from W9src.xml to produce W9.pdf, in the ..\ All Users\Documents\VisualXSL Project\Samples\W9\ folder, and log all the events to W9.log file located in the same folder.


In Windows Explorer "Documents" folder may be shown as "Shared Documents".


6.9. How to Add a Table Object

You can add a table object either by using the Data | Add Table menu command or by clicking the Add Table toolbar icon or right click on XML tree view and select Add Table.

To edit a table double-click on it. You can also select it and click the Edit | Edit Table menu command or right-click the table and for the context menu click the Edit Table command. The Table Builder opens and Table Builder's toolbar is added, where you can perform the following actions:

  • Add a table column.

  • Add a table row.

  • Delete a table column.

  • Delete a table row.

  • Delete the content of a cell.

  • Add or delete a table header.

  • Add or delete a table footer.

For more detailed information about these actions see Table section.

A table, when selected, has handles at the corners and at the middle of the sides. You change the location and size of a table by dragging.

In the Properties pane, you can set the properties of a table, such as:

  • BorderColor

    • Appearance

    • Border

    • BorderColor


  • Border Style

    • Appearance

    • Border

    • BorderStyle


  • Border Width

    • Appearance

    • Border

    • BorderWidth


For more detailed information about Table Builder see Table section.


6.10. How to Edit a Field Pattern

To see if editing a field pattern is currently enabled, look in the Properties pane's Expression | Pattern property. If this field is disabled, the field pattern editing is not currently enabled.

To enable the field pattern editing, go to the Options pane's XPath Editing | Allow Changes to Pattern Property and select the check box. The Expression | Pattern field is now available.

For example, let's concatenate the first name field and the last name field to produce the full name. Assume that the parent node is parent_name. Assume that the two name fields are: first_name, last_name. Then the XPath expression will be: concat(parent_name/first_name, ' ', parent_name/last_name)


6.11. How to Create Dynamic Templates

VisualXSL supports a mixture of static and dynamic templates. Dynamic templates can be created in any project, whether it was defined as Dynamic Document (in the New Project dialog box) or as a Form.

The default template in a dynamic document is the Any template.

To create additional templates for the project, click the Choose Section Template button. From the drop-down list, select either Only, First, Last, or Any. If the template does not exist, it is created. This template is the current template for the project. That is, this button can also be used to select the current template.


For more information, see the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) web site, under the "page-position" paragraph.

VisualXSL knows how many sections are in the project and assigns the templates according to the following rules.

For a single-section dynamic document, the Only template is used if it exists, otherwise the Any template is used.

For a multi-section dynamic document:

  • The First template is used for the first section if this template exists, otherwise the Any template is used.

  • The Last template is used for the last section if this template exists, otherwise the Any template is used.

  • If there are any intermediate sections (that is, other than the first and the last sections), the Any template is used.


6.12. How to use JavaScript in PDF Forms

VisualXSL 2.3 and higher support JavaScript for PDF Forms. There are three types of JavaScripts for a document: JavaScript for a frame, JavaScript for a page and JavaScript for the hole document.

Procedure 6.6. To write JavaScript for a frame

  1. Open/Create a VisualXSL project

  2. Add a Text Frame

  3. Navigate to Properties pane and set Threat as Field property to True


    JavaScript can be written only for those fields, which Threat as Field property is True.

  4. Navigate to Mouse Enter property in the JavaScript section of the Properties pane. Use icon to open VisualXSL's JavaScript window. Usually it is used to paste (Ctrl + V) the JavaScript written in a JavaScript editor, but this is a simple example and we can write our JavaScript code into the opened window: app.alert("Mouse entered the field", 2);

  5. Generate resulting document or preview results (PDF)

  6. Open the generated PDF document

  7. Move the mouse cursor to the field. Mouse entered the field message is shown.


6.13. How to use Page Numbering

VisualXL 2.3 and higher versions contain a new field - Page number. Page Number is a Paragraph, which contains a special text, to show current page number in the document.

Procedure 6.7. To add a Page Number

  1. Open/Create a new VisualXSL project

  2. Click Add Page Number icon on the Toolbar menu or Data | Add Page Number menu item

  3. Create resulting document and see page number on each page of the document


    By default, Page Number is in Page i of count format, where i is the current page's number and count is the count of the pages in the document.


6.14. How to use Symbols

VisualXSL 2.3 and higher contain a new feature, you can include symbols in your project.

Procedure 6.8. To use Symbol

  1. Open/create a VisualXSL project

  2. Add a Paragraph frame

  3. Click icon on Toolbars. Character Map window opens.

  4. Choose the symbols by double-clicking on them or via Select button

  5. Click Copy button and close the window

  6. Open the paragraph and paste (Ctrl + V) the selected symbols.


    You can use (paste) the copied symbols for any allowed frame.


6.15. How to Use Mvp.Xml EXSLT Module

By default, VisualXSL is using native .NET libraries (MSXML) for XSL transformations during Preview and Generate Document operations. However, this library does not support EXSLT by its own. In order to employ EXSLT features for resulting documents, VisualXSL is capable using alternative library, Mvp.Xml Project: EXSLT.NET module.

Mvp.Xml is is a community-developed implementation of the EXSLT extensions to the XSLT 1.0 for the .NET platform. You can download it from its Web site, ( After downloading, just unzip the binaries to VisualXSL folder.

No additional steps required. VisualXSL is looking for Mvsp.Xml.dll in its folder (same as the VisualXSL.exe is located) and if found, uses it via reflection.


7. Examples


7.1. Example of Creating XML Source and PDF Background

For this example Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 (or later) must be installed.

You can use Microsoft Excel to prepare an XML source file and Microsoft Word to make an invitation letter form.

In this example, you prepare and mail an anniversary party invitations to all company managers named CEO. All employees’ information is stored in an Excel spreadsheet (see Figure 7.1 below). The letter should look like the one in the figure below, and you should be able to print it or Email it as an electronic document.


Invitation letter

Figure 7.1. Invitation letter


Data in the Excel spreadsheet

Figure 7.2. Data in the Excel spreadsheet

First of all, create the XML source file. You should have an XML schema to be able to map the data to the XML tags and export it to an XML file. The simplest way to do that is to prepare a small XML file describing the common structure of your data.

The XML file should look like the following example (you can omit any elements not necessary for your task). You should write the XML node corresponding to the data record twice to make Microsoft Excel realize that this node can be replicated many times.

Attach a new XML map by doing the following:

  1. Open the XML Source tab by selecting Data | XML | XML Source.

  2. Click the XML maps button, which opens the window with the XML map list.

  3. Add a new file by clicking the Add button and selecting a prepared XML file as an XML source.

  4. When a warning message appears saying that no XML schema is referred to this file, click OK.

    Excel creates the schema automatically.

    Warning that Microsoft Excel will create a schema based on selected XML file.

    Figure 7.3. Warning that Microsoft Excel will create a schema based on selected XML file.

  5. Map all XML elements to the spreadsheet data columns, you can see the instructions in the bottom of the XML Source tab. After you have finished, you can export the spreadsheet to XML.

    XML elements mapped to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet data columns

    Figure 7.4. XML elements mapped to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet data columns

  6. Save your spreadsheet as an XML file to your project folder.

  7. To prepare a PDF document that can be used as a background, you can use Microsoft Word and create a document with space left for variable data. The document might look like the following Figure 7.5. Save it as an XML (WordML) file.

    Letter with space left for employee personal data

    Figure 7.5. Letter with space left for employee personal data

  8. Use XEP Assistant and WordML2FO stylesheets from the XEPWin package to produce a PDF file from your mockup.

    With the XML source file and the PDF file, you have the files necessary for creating a new project.


7.2. Example of Exporting XML Data File from SQL Server

For this example we use the Northwind test database and Query Analyzer (Microsoft SQL Server 2000) for the data conversion.

  1. Open SQL Query Analyzer(Microsoft SQL Server 2000).

  2. Connect to the Northwind database.

    Our goal is to convert data from the Employees table.

    Data in the Employees table

    Figure 7.6. Data in the Employees table

  3. Assume that the file with the converted data should be placed under c:\temp\.

  4. Using any text editor (for example Notepad), create the template.tpl conversion template file in this folder.

  5. Use the editor to enter the following in this template file:

  6. Enter the following query into the SQL Query Analyzer window (see the following figure)

    EXEC sp_makewebtask @outputfile =
    @query = 'select * from Employees for xml auto',
    @templatefile = 'c:\temp\template.tpl'


    • @outputfile - the full path to file XML.

    • @query – the sql query for the necessary data.

    • @templatefile - a file template to use for creating the XML file.

  7. Run the query by pressing F5 or by selecting Query | Execute from the menu.

    The myxmlfile.xml file is created in the c:\temp\ folder.

    Query to export table data

    Figure 7.7. Query to export table data

  8. The Employees table data is exported to XML format.

    Resulting XML file

    Figure 7.8. Resulting XML file

  9. Continue to next sample to build a VisualXSL document.


7.3. Example of Using Radio Buttons

When creating fillable PDF forms, you may need to be able to add radio buttons in your form. Unlike check boxes, radio buttons are grouped so that only one of them can be selected at a time. Creating radio buttons in VisualXSL is similar to creating checkboxes; the only difference is that the Test property of these elements must have the same variable name in their XPath expressions (but different values to compare with). Another way to create Radio Buttons is to give the same Group Name for all Checkboxes.


Radio Buttons are created only if their Treat as Field property is set true.

This example assumes you are starting from an existing project. To start a new project, see Creating a New VisualXSL Project and How to Create a New Project.

Prepare a number of reports in W9 form from existing data (in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\VisualXSL Projects\W9 folder. A sample PDF file with a W9 form (for the background) and an XML file from the database already exist.) For information about preparing an XML source and PDF background, see Example of Creating XML Source and PDF Background and Example of Exporting XML Data File from SQL Server.


7.4. Example of Building a VisualXSL Project(W9 form)

This example assumes you are starting from an existing project. To start a new project, see Creating a New VisualXSL Project and How to Create a New Project.

The example covers the design and publishing of documents based on the US Government W9 form from existing data in the

..\All Users\Shared Documents\VisualXSL Projects\samples\W9 folder


..\Users\Public\Public Documents\VisualXSL Projects\Samples\W9 folder.

A sample PDF file with a W9 form (for the background) and an XML file from the database already exist. For information about preparing an XML source and PDF background, see Example of Creating XML Source and PDF Background and in Example of Exporting XML Data File from SQL Server.

Procedure 7.1. To build a VisualXSL project

  1. Create a new folder in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\VisualXSL Projects for the project and call it.

  2. Copy the w9src.xml and w9_blank.pdf files from the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\VisualXSL Projects to the new folder.

  3. Open the w9src.xml with an XML Editor or WordPad (not Notepad) to study its content. Note the XML declaration xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8", a good practice for it to exist, and with the correct encoding value. Note the XML element batch at the beginning and batch at the end of the file. A top level XML element as noted is required by VisualXSL even if only one set of XML children elements exist.

  4. Open the w9_blank.pdf with Adobe Reader, or equivalent, to become familiar with its content and the various "blank" fields. Close and Exit Adobe Reader.

  5. Double-click the VisualXSL icon on your desktop.

    The VisualXSL application opens.

    Empty VisualXSL application

    Figure 7.9. Empty VisualXSL application

  6. Click the New Project button.

    The New Project wizard opens.

    New Project wizard

    Figure 7.10. New Project wizard

  7. Add the data source.

    Under Step 1 : Add Data Source click the Open button, navigate to the ..\VisualXSL Projects\Samples\myw9 new folder and select the w9src.xml file.


    Alternatively, you can skip the wizard, and add the data source later by using the File | Open Source XML menu to select the w9src.xml file from the newly created folder.

    Step 2 : Choose Project Type Form (Insurance Forms, Government Forms,...) for this project the default selection is correct because in the next procedure we will choose a PDF background that is a Form.

  8. Add the background (PDF or image).

    Under Step 3 click the Open button ,navigate to the ..\VisualXSL Projects\Samples\myw9 new folder and select the w9src.xml file.

    Note that this step automatically set the BackgroundPath and RasterizedPath property (under Properties | Layout).

  9. Click the Create Project button. The new project, yet unnamed, opens in VisualXSL.

    New project page

    Figure 7.11. New project page

  10. Click File | Save as, and save the project as 1stTry.vxl.

  11. Click in the Layout (the Designer). The page properties are shown in the Properties pane.

  12. If you skipped Step 6, add the background now. In the Properties | Layout, select the BackgroundPath property, click the button, and open the w9_blank.pdf file.


    The application automatically rasterizes PDFs into a PNG image with a filename as noted in the Properties | Layout|RasterizedPath property. This Raster image is used as the document background in the Layout (Designer Area).


  13. In the XML Tree View pane, find the name node, and drag-and-drop it to the Layout. Place it, and resize the name data field to fit the template in the background form.

  14. Change the selected data field's properties by clicking in the Properties pane.

    Expand the Appearance property, and then the TextProperties property group. You can change the font settings for the selected data field by clicking the button, and making desired changes in the Font dialog box to Arial, 10pt.


    Alternatively , you can select the Font size through the toolbar. Because you are going to add data fields with the same formatting, change the section formatting properties ( Appearance | TextProperties | Font)



    To do so move the cursor to an area in Layout away from any fields and select (left mouse button )- see Figure 7.12 below for suggested location shown as


    Text formattingText formatting properties of the selected data field

    Figure 7.12. Text formatting properties of the selected data field

  15. To view a preview of the project at this stage, click the Preview Result of XSLT button in the toolbar.


    The Log pane you can monitor the formatting process by tracing messages from the XEP formatter. When the XEP formatter finishes, the Preview pane shows the resulting document. You may now see how the field is placed on the page.

    The Log may report a "[Warning]The project page 2 has no frames. It may be rendered not properly." message. This simply means that your document contains a page on which no XML node is rendered. The original US Government W9 form consist of four pages of which page 2 through 4 consist of instructions.


    Click to save the project.


    By default, to generate a preview only the first three records from the XML are used. You may change this behavior via the Options pane. Be advised that increasing number of records reduces processing of preview, so it is only recommended if your data records vary significantly.

  16. Drag-and-drop the rest of the XML nodes to the Layout (note that same are purposely not listed at this time ): business_name, address, city, req_name_address, account_number, soc_sec_number and empl_ident_number and resize them to fit the empty spaces on the background.


    To align the Business_Name, Address, City and list account number(s) fields to be left aligned with the Name field:

    • Select the Name field. While Ctrl-key is depressed select the Business Name, Address, City and list account number(s) fields. Release the Ctrl-key. Click on the Align Lefts button.





    To size the Name and Business Name fields to be the same width and height:

    • Select the Name field. While Ctrl-key is depressed select the Business Name field. Release the Ctrl-key. Click on the Make Same Size button.




  17. The address must be correctly formed from the city, state and ZIP values. Select the city field and change the Expression|XPathValue property to:

    concat (city/.,', ',state/.,' ',zip/.,'-',code4digit/.)

    The XSLT code is generated in the template with the match="batch/W9" attribute and data acquisition is rendered by the concat (city/.,', ',state/.,' ',zip/.,'-',code4digit/.)XPath expression


    The concat function returns the concatenation of its arguments. The string arguments are separated by a comma. Additional strings, like the comma and space between city and state, the space between state zip ,and the dash (-)between zip code4digit are between single (')quotes.

  18. The Social security number (soc_sec_number) data field should be justified. To set the proper spacing between digits, select the soc_sec_number field and change the BlockProperties|AlignmentLast property value to justify.

  19. Repeat the procedure above for the Employer identification number (empl_edent_number) including changing the BlockProperties|AlignmentLast property value to justify.


    To view a preview of the project at this stage , click Preview Result of XSLT button. Adjust the location(Left and Top ) of all fields.

    • Select a field and use the Up, Down, Left or Right arrow keys. The field moves several points (px)based on Grid size defined in the Options panel, irrespective if Snap to Grid is selected or not, or


    • Select a field, and while the Alt-key is depressed us the Up, Down, Left or Right arrow keys. You will note that the field moves a fraction (0.75px)irrespective of the Grid size defined and if Snap to Grid in the Options panel is selected or not, or


    • Select the field and edit the Location|Top and location|Left values in the Options panel. The field moves irrespective of the Grid size defined and if Snap to Grid in the Options panel is selected or not.




    Click to save the project.


  20. Place check marks on the appropriate background check boxes so that they are rendered only under certain conditions, according to the XPath expression results.

    Select the entity_type XML node in the XML Tree View pane. From the Data menu select Add Checkbox.

    Select the check murk just placed in Layout and drag it into the Individual/Sole proprietor check box

    • Check appropriate box; Individual/Sole proprietor.

    While still selected view the value displayed in the expression|test property. It should read entity_type/.='individual'. if not, changed it. This is the XPath expression used as the condition to render the field. That is, the field is rendered only if this condition is true.

  21. Repeat the procedure above for the remaining check boxes, setting the Expression|Test property accordingly as in:

    entity_type = 'corporation',

    entity_type = 'partnership',

    entity_type = 'limited',

    entity_type = 'other'.


    An alternative is to:

    • Select the first check mark and copy once and past four times using one of the actions available.


    • Select and drag each check mark into each check box , and set the Expression|Test property accordingly as noted above.



    To view a preview of the project at this stage , click Preview Result of XSLT button.

  22. In the XML Tree View pane, find the other_text node, select and drag-and-drop it to the Layout here which is associated with the Limited liability company check box.

    While still selected view the value displayed in the Expression|XPathValue property. It Should read other_text/.If not, change it.


    Define a condition when to render the value which is only applicable when the Limited liability company check box is checked. Set the Expression| Test property to entity_type/.='limited'. This is the XPath expression used as the condition to render the field. That is, the field is rendered only if this condition is true. If not, change it. This is the XPath expression used as the condition to render the field. That is, the field is rendered only if this condition is true.

  23. In the XML Tree View pane, find the other_text/ node, select and drag-and-drop it to the Layout here which is associated with the Other check box. Place it, and resize the other data field to fit the template in the background form.

    While still selected view the value displayed in the Expression|XPathValue property. It Should read other_text/.If not,change it.


    Define a condition when to render the value which is only applicable when the Other (see instructions) check box is checked. Set the Expression| Test property to entity_type/.='other'. This is the XPath expression used as the condition to render the field. That is, the field is rendered only if this condition is true.

  24. Select the exempt_from_backup XML node in the XML Tree View pane. From Data menu select Add Checkbox.

    While still selected view the value displayed in the Expression| Test property. It should read exempt_from_backup/.='true'. This is the XPath expression used as the condition to render the field. That is, the field is rendered only if this condition is true.

  25. To view a preview of the project at this stage , click Preview Result of XSLT button. Adjust the location of all fields.


    Click to save the project.

  26. After all data fields are added and aligned you can generate the XSL stylesheet and/or the resulting PDF document.

    Click to generate the XSL stylesheet.

    Click to generate the resulting PDF document, enter a filename and save.

    Review the XSL stylsheet and PDF generated.

  27. A preliminary view of the project should look similar to that of W9 sample project (except those Barcode data fields). See Figure 7.13

    View of unfinished project

    Figure 7.13. View of unfinished project

    Congratulations, you have completed one of many VisualXSL projects.


7.5. Example of Building a VisualXSL Project (ICW form)

This example assumes you are starting from an existing project. To start a new project, see Creating a New VisualXSL Project and How to Create a New Project.

The example covers the design and publishing of documents based on the ICW form from existing data in the

..\All Users\Shared Documents\VisualXSL Projects\samples\ICW folder


..\Users\Public\Public Documents\VisualXSL Projects\Samples\ICW folder.

A sample PDF file with a ICW form and an XML file from the database already exist. For information about preparing an XML source and PDF background, see Example of Creating XML Source and PDF Background and in Example of Exporting XML Data File from SQL Server.

Procedure 7.2.  To build a Dynamic type of VisualXSL project

  1. Create a new folder in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\VisualXSL Projects\my ICW for the project and call it.

  2. Copy the ICW.xml and Images folder files from the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\VisualXSL Projects to the new folder.

  3. Open the ICW.xml with an XML Editor or WordPad or Notepad with "Word Wrap" option enabled to study its content. Note the XML declaration xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8", a good practice for it to exist, and with the correct encoding value. Note the XML element batch at the beginning and batch at the end of the file. A top level XML element as noted is required by VisualXSL even if only one set of XML children elements exist.

  4. Open the w9_blank.pdf with Adobe Reader, or equivalent, to become familiar with its content and the various "blank" fields. Close and Exit Adobe Reader.

  5. Double-click the VisualXSL icon on your desktop.

    The VisualXSL application opens.

    Empty VisualXSL application

    Figure 7.14. Empty VisualXSL application

  6. Click the New Project button.

    The New Project wizard opens.

    New Project wizard

    Figure 7.15. New Project wizard

  7. Add the data source.

    Under Step 1 : Add Data Source click the Open button, navigate to the ..\VisualXSL Projects\Samples\ICW new folder and select the ICW.xml file.


    Alternatively, you can skip the wizard, and add the data source later by using the File | Open Source XML menu to select the ICW.xml file from the newly created folder.

    Step 2 : Choose Project Type Dynamic document(phone bills, statements)

  8. Under Step 3 click the Open button ,navigate to the ..\VisualXSL Projects\Samples\ICW new folder and select the ICW.xml file.

    Note that this step automatically set the BackgroundPath and RasterizedPath property (under Properties | Layout).

  9. Click the Create Project button. The new project, yet unnamed, opens in VisualXSL.

  10. Click File | Save as, and save the project as 2ndTry.vxl.

  11. Click in the Layout (the Designer). The page properties are shown in the Properties pane.

  12. To Create a header select Edit header button in the tool bar.

    You can manually arrange items in the desire place on the field.

  13. In the XML Tree View pane, find the name node, and drag-and-drop it to the Layout. Place it, and resize the name data field to fit the template in the background form.

  14. Change the selected data field's properties by clicking in the Properties pane.

  15. Add Image(add rx-logo.png from images folder ),in the Data menu select Add Image , and in the Properties pane, under Data select ImageUrl.

    Creating a Header

    Figure 7.16. Creating a Header

  16. Unselect Edit Header.

  17. Edit Items.

    The Items will dynamically be arranged by turns on the layout.

    Dynamic document

    Figure 7.17. Dynamic document

  18. in the Properties|Space|Spaces before Area or Spaces after Area

    Spaces between the items

    Figure 7.18. Spaces between the items

  19. To preview the project at this stage, click the Preview Result of XSLT button in the toolbar.


    The Log pane helps you to monitor formatting process by tracing messages from the XEP formatter. When the XEP formatter finishes, the Preview pane shows the resulting document. You may now see how the field is placed on the page.


    Click to save the project.

    You can find other instructions at To build a VisualXSL project


7.6. Example of Using XEP and SVG Files As Image

VisualXSL supports using both XEP intermediate format files and SVG graphics files as images. The technique is the same for both XEP intermediate format and SVG files. We illustrate using XEP file; for SVG file the scenario is similar.

Procedure 7.3. To use .XEP file as an image

  1. In the Sample folder, open the FRUITS.png file.

    Adding an Image

    Figure 7.19. Adding an Image

  2. In the Data menu select Add Image, and in the Properties pane, under Data, select ImageUrl.

    After Adding an Image and Selecting the ImageUrl Field

    Figure 7.20. After Adding an Image and Selecting the ImageUrl Field

  3. In ImageUrl, select the button; the following dialog box appears.

    Edit ImageUrl dialog box

    Figure 7.21. Edit ImageUrl dialog box

  4. Select Fixed Path and via Image path field browse to and select Fruits_PNG/Images/VisualXSL/Lady_Red.xep file. It may be necessary to change Files of type: in the file browser window, in order to show .XEP files.

  5. In the Edit ImageUrl dialog box, click OK; the dialog box closes, and the Image path in the Edit ImageUrl window and the ImageUrl in the Properties pane are set Lady_Red.xep.

    Lady_Red.xep has been selected for the new image

    Figure 7.22. Lady_Red.xep has been selected for the new image

  6. To see the Lady_Red.xep image, in the Build menu you can click Preview; after completion, Lady_Red.xep is visible below in the Preview pane.


7.7. Example of Using Templates

For information about dynamic flows, see How to Create Dynamic Templates section.

In the Samples folder, open the Diners (Credit Card) Statement file.

Diners (Credit Card) Statement file

Figure 7.23. Diners (Credit Card) Statement file

In Choose Section Template, the template Only is shown. note the properties values, in the Layout and Margins property groups.

In Choose Section Template, change from template Only to First, Last and Any, and notice that the values in the Properties pane are changed.

For an example of how the templates work together, see the Diners_Sample_by_RenderX.pdf file. The templates that are used for each statement are determined by VisualXSL, according to how many sections of data are to be presented for that statement.


7.8. Example of Using Custom Attributes

VisualXSL now supports three custom attributes properties (that is, attributes not yet natively supported by VisualXSL) for any object type. These properties (CustomAttribute, OverriddenAttribute and CustomProcess) are described in the Data Fields and Properties chapter.

The following is an example of using CustomAttribute and OverriddenAttribute:

Procedure 7.4. To use custom attributes

  1. In the Samples folder, open the CustomAttributes file.


    All of the borders of the rectangle are the same - 4pt solid cyan. We will use custom properties to access the FO style attributes for the individual border sides.

    CustomAttributes file, with table with cyan border

    Figure 7.24. CustomAttributes file, with table with cyan border

  2. In the Properties pane, under Custom, select CustomAttributes.

    Change the left border to 2px red and the top border to 2px blue by entering the following value: border-left=”solid 2px red” border-top=”solid 2px blue”. Note the space separating the two values.

  3. In the Properties pane, under Custom, select OverriddenAttribute.

    Remove the rest of the (cyan) border altogether by entering the following value: border.

  4. Do either Build Preview or Build Create PDF. The updated frame's left border is red, top is blue and nothing remains of the cyan. The updated frame can be seen in the Preview pane.

    Preview, showing updated frame, with red left border, and blue top border

    Figure 7.25. Preview, showing updated frame, with red left border, and blue top border


7.9. Example of Creating PDF Form

VisualXSL 2.3 and upper versions provide a new, easy to use method of creating fillable PDF Forms. Now the procedure of creating a PDF Form is the same as creating any PDF document.

This example shows how a simple PDF form can be created and submitted to the server. To submit the form, you need to have access to a server, where the data is submitted and handled.

Procedure 7.5. To create a PDF Form

  1. In the Samples/Registration Form folder open registration_form.vxl file via VisualXSL.

    Registration Form

    Figure 7.26. Registration Form

  2. There are several frames, which assemble a simple registration form. The first part has a title called Registration, which contains two pairs of fields (each pair contains two fields in front each other). In this example all the pairs contain a usual text field and a fillable field (e.g. fillable text frame, checkbox, listbox, ...). Here we will pay attention to the fillable fields; more information about Text Fields can be found at 5.4 Text Frame.

    Registration Form

    Figure 7.27. Registration Form

  3. Username - fillable text field. To create a fillable text field add a Text Frame to the Layout and set its Treat as Field property to true (Treat as Field is located in the Form Fields section of the Properties pane). VisualXSL sets a default value for the Name property, but as we need to handle the submitted data on the server, we should give names for the submitting frames. So, the name of the Username field is set to username. For all other form fields we set individual Name properties. We can also give the maximum allowed length of the entered text: navigate to the Properties pane, Form Fields section, Max Length property, for this field its value is 15. Besides, usually Username is a required field, to emphasis that, we gave to Required property the true value.

  4. Password - password field. Password field is created from a fillable text field. To create a Password, create a fillable text field, like the Username field and set its Password property to true

  5. The second part of the form is called Personal Data. The first two pairs are First Name and Last Name. They are created just like the Username field.

    Registration Form

    Figure 7.28. Registration Form

  6. Then comes Gender fields, which is a group of Radio Buttons. There are used text frames and two radio buttons. Detailed information about how to create Radio Buttons see 7.3. Example of Using Radio Buttons.

  7. The last pair of this section is Age. The user is suggested to select his/her age from the given intervals, which are presented as options of a List Box. To create a List Box select the XML node from which you wish the options to be generated and click Add List Box. The values are taken from the source XML (registration_form.xml). VisualXSL sets the current XML node's inner text as the List Box's Values. Options are generated from the Values property on the Properties pane, its values are separated by Separator property. Here the age intervals are separated by | and as the Separator property is |, we get the desired intervals - <18, 18-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-40, >40.

  8. Address section contains information about the user's address and consits of three pairs of fields.


    Registration Form

    Figure 7.29. Registration Form

    Country - Combo Box containing a list of countries. To create a Combo Box select the XML node from which you wish the options to be generated and click Add Combo Box. The values are taken from the source XML (registration_form.xml). VisualXSL sets the current XML node's inner text as the Combo Box's Values. Options are generated from the Values property on the Properties pane, its values are separated by Separator property. Here country names are separated by | and as the Separator property is |, we get the desired intervals - Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, etc. .

  9. City - Fillable Text field.

  10. Address - Fillable Text field, designed for the user to write his/her address (Street, building, apartment, etc.). The only difference from other fillable fields is that it is multiline, that is - it can contain more that one line. To enable this feature set the Multiline property in the Properties pane true.

  11. The Sign section contains a Text Frame and a fillable Check Box, that is a Check Box, which Treat as Field property is set true.

    Registration Form

    Figure 7.30. Registration Form

  12. At the bottom of the form there are 2 Buttons - Reset and Submit.

    Reset - this type of Button is used to reset all the fields to their default values. To create a Reset button, add a Button, in the Properties pane set its Button Type property Reset. Reset affects only the fields, which names are included in the Fields property (space deliminated list); or if it is left blank, all the fields of the document are affected. As in this example Fields property is left blank, all the fields are affected.

    Registration Form

    Figure 7.31. Registration Form

  13. Submit - this type of Button is used to submit the form data to the server. To create a Submit button, add a Button. The server's URL is set in the URL property of the Properties pane. By default it is the inner text of the XML node from which the button is created. In this example, it is http://localhost/forms/index.php, of course you may set your own server. The submittion method is set via Method property, its possible values are POST and GET. Here we use POST method. VisualXSL supports four formats for submitting: XFDF, FDF, PDF and HTML. Here we used HTML format. The submitting format is changed from the Submit Format property on the Properties pane.

  14. After creating the form, generate the resulting PDF document, fill the form and click Submit button. The form data will be sent to the server, which Url is given to the Submit Button's Url property. This sample includes visualxslforms/index.php file, which is a simple PHP file to show all the data sent to the server. You can copy - paste it to your php server, to see how the sample works.


    Adobe Acrobat Reader does not read HTML format, and as in this example we use HTML to show the submitted data, you are strongly recommnded to use either Preview window or your web browser.

    Registration Form

    Figure 7.32. Registration Form




RenderX XEP is an XML to PDF (XSL FO) formatter. It takes input in XML, applies an XSL transformation to build XSL Formatting Objects representation, and then formats the Formatting Objects into PDF or PostScript. XEP supports multiple raster and vector graphic formats. Among them is Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an XML-based vector graphics representation that is widely used in business applications and for fine typesetting.



XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) is an XML vocabulary for the formatting of documents. XSL-FO is part of XSL, so that the usual way to produce XSL-FO documents is by transforming XML documents using XSLT. Although the principles behind XSL and CSS (the other Style Sheet Language created by W3C) are quite different, it is planned to align the formatting model between XSL-FO and CSS, so that formatting engines can be based on the same code, both languages can be used to achieve the same results, and the formatted results will look identical.


XSL (Extensible Style Language) is a Style Sheet Language that can be used for displaying XML documents. Using XSL is two-step process, the first step being a transformation of the XML document using XSLT, and the second step being the rendering of the result of the transformation, which is done using XSL-FO. XSL covers the same application area as CSS but is much more powerful, because the transformation step (using XSLT) can perform arbitrarily complex transformations of the XML document, whereas CSS is not able to make any structural changes to the XML document.


XSLT (XSL Transformations) is a specialized Programming Language for transforming XML documents. Although XSLT is part of XSL, and as such intended to be used for transforming XML documents into XSL-FO for presentation purposes, it is not limited to this application area. XSLT uses XML syntax (that is, it is a Programming Language in XML syntax), even though it is based on DSSSL (which uses a Lisp-like syntax). XSLT is particularly interesting in B2B scenarios, where XML documents must be transformed.

.NET Framework

.NET Framework, created by Microsoft, is a software development platform focused on rapid application development, platform independence, and network transparency. .NET is Microsoft's strategic initiative for server and desktop development for the next decade.