XML Report Generator (XMLRG) |
XML Report Generator (XMLRG) is a web application that uses templates based on Microsoft Word 2003/2007 for variable data merging from Oracle DB 9i/10g. The application uses RenderX XEP to produce final reports in the PDF, PostScript and AFP formats. |
XML Report Generator (XMLRG) is a web application that uses data from corporate Oracle DB 9i/10g for merging them into report and generates high end reports in PDF, PostScript or AFP formats based on already prepared templates in Microsoft Word 2003/2007 using DataStyler. Every report can contain any number of layout templates for data merge possible to be saved and then used for report generating. There is an opportunity for dynamic creation of form for data input described by the XSD schema of data to insert; data input by a user (and for user’s inputting of data) and generation of an appropriate report. |
The application merges data from the user database into report templates created with help of DataStyler application in Microsoft Word 2003/2007 environment. Data merging process is of declarative kind — it is possible to define filter conditions of the data to insert, calculated fields, total fields, formatting masks, relations between different elements of XML data (like one to one, one to many). |
Report samples can be selected by a user interactively and also integrated to generate a composite report. After merging data with help of RenderX's XEP formatting engine reports are generated in different output formats (PDF, PostScript, AFP). The application works with different browsers: Internet Explorer 6-7, Firefox 1.5-2.0, Opera 8, Konqueror. |
The application supports administrative functions, such as creating and editing the user account, user report access rights, addition and modification of lists and attributes of reports instances and so on. The installation utility is used to set the server part of the product, which almost completely automates installation of the application. The server part of the application can be installed on different platforms — Windows, Linux. XML Report Generator (XMLRG) enables a user to insert data that comes from different user JDBC- compatible databases supporting XML API. |
XML Report Generator (XMLRG) API is a library to design report generating applications with Oracle XML DB backend and XEP rendering functionality. It also can be integrated into the custom solution as a report generator. |
There is also web site with additional technical materials and demos at www.xmlrg.com. |
Licensing Information |
XML Report Generator (XMLRG) is a combination of software and sample documents. XMLRG API is also a combination of software (a command line tool) and sample documents. XML Report Generator Beta (XMLRG Beta) and XMLRG API Beta are available for download for internal, end-use purposes only (excluding the commercialization of information technology products), subject to the terms of the XMLRG Beta Software License Agreement and XMLRG API Beta Software License Agreement accordingly. |